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Dealing with Prednisone Side-effects

Almost a year ago, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I have been on 40 mg of prednisone for about 7 months and tapered off the last month or so. I did not gain a lot of weight while on the high dosage, in fact, I lost some weight. However, as I began to taper off and got down to 20 mg, I became really bloated and got moonface. I'm wondering why the symptoms only showed up as I was getting off the medication. There is not a significant gain of weight, but I look 20 lbs heavier. How long should I expect for the bloating and monnface to last? Is there anything that can be done medically to counteract these side-effects?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Your symptoms could be due to the medication and may take 4-8 weeks to disappear. The swollen face could also be due to an allergen, where there could be an element of itching also. It could also be due to kidney disorders where there is puffiness of the eyes. Cardiac disorders are likely to cause puffiness, this may be accompanied by breathlessness ad chest pain. Liver disorders can cause edema, there may be accompanying jaundice. Other causes are like hypoprotienemia, dental abscess, sinusitis, trauma, mumps  and nutritional deficiencies. I would advise you to consult your primary care physician for evaluation of edema.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Hi, so sorry to hear about your diagnosis and long term pred use.  It really is a nasty drug.

I have also had problems with swelling at the end or after coming off the stuff.  I have talked with several other people who have had the bloathing last over a month after stopping the medicine.  

I have found that drinking LOTS of water is helpful.

I hope your side effects go away quickly.

God bless.
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