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Developing allergy at my age?

I am a 49 y.o. female with a lot of various health issues. I have Graves disease which I am in remission of right now.  In the past I have been treated with prednisone and antibiotics for other health issues.  Right now, I have swelling left eye only, with a fluid pouch underneath, very, very, itchy ears, stuffy nose, sore/scratchy throat, and headaches.  Could this be allergies to something? I don't have a fever. I have never been diagnosed with an allergy of any kind.  I have been given nasal spray in the past for feeling of swelling in back of throat,which I also have now.  I have never been able to take an allergy or cold medicines because of my thyroid problem.  I usually start to get symptoms at night and then they start to go away during the day. Any suggestions as to whether or not this is allergy to something environmental or  what?  Is there anything that I can take for symptoms?  I am definitely going to try the lemon juice and water for the feeling of throat swelling.  I really do not like to take any medications unless I absolutely have to. I also have Gastroparesis and wonder if I can have a food allergy.  Would I get the same symptoms?  Thank you in advance for answers and suggestions.
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I also had Graves disease and the symptoms you describe as well. I suffered with hives every night for 7 years until I read a blog that said Chronic Idiopathic Uticaria (Unexplainable hives) can be caused by the helicobactor pylori bacteria. I tood the antibiotic series to get rid of helicobactor even though they didn't find it in my blood.  I was cured! My doctors were skeptical and I had been to specialists galore. I asked, "What harm would it do to take the antibiotics? Nothing else is working." Cured after 7 years.
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I don't know for sure, but I think blood tests. But, probably only if they are looking for that.
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I have often thought about this issue with mold also.  How do they test a person for this?
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One of the environmental factors that I am looking at, regarding my throat, is mold. My basement has a quite damp feeling. I have one area in an adjoining family room that is prone to mildew or mold (?).
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I'm 48 and I have many unknown allergies and stomach problems (tested positiv for the Helicobacter bacteria),sometimes I have the feeling of my throat closing up . My doctor said it comes from the stomach muscle and gave me Diazepam 2mg for pharyngeal spasm. . I tried it and it worked.
Don't try lemon juice, it makes the stomach more acid what is not good for your Gastroparesis.
Hope this helps you.
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Do a Google search for "Leaky Gut Syndrome" and see if anything comes together.

It seems to cause strange symptoms, including new allergies, including throat (asthma) type symptoms.
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