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Developing an Allergy?

My mouth, specifically the area right behind my teeth, has been getting irritated on and off for a about a month or so. Occasionally it feels like there is a rough spot or something like a cut behind my back left molar. It is not gingivitus since I went to a dentist last month when I first started getting the irritation. My taste buds on the side of my tongue have also been getting inflamed. Any ieas on what is going on here?
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535822 tn?1443976780
It does sound like a gum or tooth problem, how about brushing have you irritated the gum with Vigorous brushing ,can you pinpoint anything new you may have done, filing finding anything like that ,go back and ask them to check again.
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Inflamed taste buds are very common.  This can be due to an injury from a burn caused by hot, spicy,  hard foods, or a self-inflicted bite that can cause local inflammation. The inflammation and bump will usually go away on its own. Cells within the taste bud have a limited life span of approximately ten days to two weeks only.  Avoid hot, spicy and acidic foods. Use an analgesic, such acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to relieve pain.Take care and keep us posted.
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