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Did I get Allergies from my Husband?

My husband has terrible allergies.  He always seems to have a cold, even though he says it's just allergies.  These white spots always appear on his throat followed by a terrible cough that lasts forever.  He's been tested for Strep,and it's always hegative.  When we moved in together, I really noticed how sick he was ALL the time - I mean really sick.  He takes Zyrtec every other day to prevent hives and rashes on his skin, but it's like he ALWAYS has a cold.  He's has a cold for like 3 years!  He's tried everything from Clariton, Mucinex, and all the other OTC pills.  He now does the Sinus Rinse almost daily, and that helps a little.  

I have never had allergies (except for typical dustmite allergies).  About 2 years ago, I noticed that I started getting colds a lot too.  Now, it's got to the point where every time I go near him I get a cold.  He says that he's not getting me sick because his sniffles, coughing, and sickness is just from Allergies.  I cannot remember the last time he wasn't sick.  He insists that it's not a cold though.  Could I be getting his allergies because now I'm sick almost as much as he is...    Also, what can I do to prevent allergens and germs around the house?  We aready have air purifiers in every room and do keep our house relatively dustfree and clean.  What else can we do?   Please help!   We've both been sick for years now!!!  I want to help him, and I want my health back!!
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Check your home for molds , etc and see an allergy doctor for skin tests . Do you have cats? Control the enviroment , for ex , wrap the mattress in plastic covering , wash pillows every week in hot water to kill dust mites , etc I don't think your husband is causing you allergies but mind is very powerful and if you are thinking you might  get cold from him who knows the immune system might be reacting..
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563773 tn?1374246539

The symptoms of cold and hives that your husband and you are having can be due to allergic rhinitis caused by air borne  allergies. Allergic rhinitis is a collection of symptoms, predominantly in the nose and eyes, caused by airborne particles of dust, dander, or plant pollens in people who are allergic to these substances.

When a person with allergies breathes in an allergen such as pollen or dust, antibodies are produced. When the antibodies are stimulated by pollen and dust, histamine and other chemicals are released. This causes itching, swelling, and mucus production.

Pls contact an allergic specialist and get skin tests like skin ***** test done. In this a small amount of allergen is introduced into the skin of the forearm and the reaction of the skin is noted. If there is any redness then that person is allergic to the allergen introduced.

You can also get blood tests like RAST done.This is a confirmatory test to find out the allergen causing the allergies.If the allergens are identified,prevention is the best treatment.Otherwise in addition to the zyrtec,you can take nasal corticosteroid sprays like nasocort or flonase. Decongestants may also be helpful in reducing symptoms such as nasal congestion, but they should not be used for long periods. Cromolyn sodium is a nasal spray (Nasalcrom) for treating hay fever. If the symptoms are intense then you can go in for immunotherapy.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you and your husband are doing and if you have any additional doubts.Kind regards.

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