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Do allergies make you sleepy?

Every fall this happens.  No matter what my plans, if I get near
some airborne allergic entity, I must sleep.  The keyword here is must. It is as if I have been given a very strong drug that makes me sleep.  I had something yesterday that I wanted to do, but again, I had this uncontrollable urge to sleep, and sleep I did.  I missed doing what I wanted, and had planned to do.  1) Is this natural?  I seems that it must be, since it happens every fall, and never any other time of the year?  2) Is there anything I can do about this uncontrollable urge to sleep?

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143952 tn?1237864541
definitely yes!  i remember my second year in college.  there were a lot of dust storms in march and my allergies really kicked into high gear.  i'm usually a very light sleeper, but i was contintually late to school because i was sleeping through my alarm!
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Yes, allergies can make you sleepy. I remember an Immunologist who told me once that at the annual allergy conventions, allergists all laughed at some of the ads for antihistamines. It was because the allergists know that allergies can be far more disabling. The trick is, getting control of your allergies and sometimes you have to experiment with different medications and possibly air filters... find out which meds work for you and help your fatigue and your other symptoms.

Good Luck !
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