1687346 tn?1305586491

Does Acupucture work with allergies, sinusitis and loss of smell?

So I was wondering if there is anyone out there that has used acupucture to help with allergy and/or sinus issues?  

It has been almost 2 long years working with my allergist and ENT to figure out what is going on with my sinuses.  I have already gone through sinus surgery and allergy shots.  For the past year I have been taking prednisone and antibiotics almost every 6-8 weeks to help clear the inflammation enough where I can actually smell and to drain out (it is so depressing not to be able to smell delicious food when you LOVE food! and a fear that I can't smell something burning). I just finished my last dose of prednisone only no antibiotics this time and had my ENT check, I look good and clear but two days later I am already getting sinus pressure again and starting to lose my sense of smell.  I am going through cycles of medications, relief for a few weeks then back again loss of smell and drainage and back to the docs to get relief.... I am TIRED OF IT!  I'm already on Nasonex, Astepro and now trying it with Zrytec instead of Singular.  I don't know what else to do, I can't be on Prednisone forever!

Please Please is there anyone out there who had other types of treatment other than loading up on meds.  I have heard a couple of people using acupucture and found relief but I want to hear more testimonials on acupucture or any other trmts.

5 Responses
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i got a needel in my eyeballs for the allergies to wood
good luck!!!1
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144586 tn?1284666164
You can try accupuncture. I know two individuals who have had accupuncture from an M.D. certified as an accupuncturist and they believe their symptoms have diminished.
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Hello and welcome to the community.

I am so sorry you are going through this.  I know what it is like to be on pred so much.  It really isn't fun at all.

I have read that accupunture may be beneficial as a complementary treatment to traditional medicine aproaches and that was from a doctor who practices integrated medicine.  He is really open to non-traditional treatments even without traditional approaches.  He did not feel that accupunture was really worthy of being a stand alone treatment.

Some other things you may want to try are sinus rinses, a pulmacort sinus rinse instead of the Nasonex,  and Patanase instead of the Astepro.  Astepro really stuffed me up while I was on it.  Patanase works much better for me.  You may also want to see an allergist for testing and possible shots.

I was going to ask how old you are, but I will refrain.  I will say that if you are in your mid to late thirties that you probably should discus Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD) with your doctors.  It usually starts in a patient's mid to late thirties with chronic sinusitis as you describe with the possibility of recurring nasal polyps.  Patients with this disease may develop asthma in their early to mid 40's.  I was just treated for this because of my asthma.  lol.... I am hinting at my age a little.  ;-)  It is highly under diagnosed.

I can get you links to some great articles I found while researching the disease and treatment before I went through the treatment.  

I hope that helps you some.
Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
God bless.
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1687346 tn?1305586491
Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all your comments.  Currently I am trying the whole acupucture method to see if it helps.  So far I've had one trmt with some daily herbal supplements so far about a week.   I am going to continue using my nasal sprays and zyrtec...When I started I was back to my no smell, drainage, pressure, etc... results so far I am actually getting a little more stuff out but not enough to really tell if its working.  I will let you all know a few more weeks in...

To bsml: thanks for sharing that information.  I've have already try all the methods and sprays you have mentioned.  Although I am in my late 20's, good to know what may happen later as you researched.  I will keep that in mind.

Thanks to all!
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Hi Lisa,
I am glad that you are getting some relief.

One thing it looks like I failed to mention is sinus rinses.  Have you tried that at all?

God bless.
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