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Does Anyone Else Have Cold Urticaria?

My 13 year old son was diagnosed with COLD URTICARIA about three years ago and it has been frustrating trying to get information on line.
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1313305 tn?1273801737
Hey, I'm a 15 year old girl and I've got it too! I've had it for 4 or so years now and never taken drugs, I've been reading about and they don't seem to do much unless you have a severe reaction. Mines not that bad, but it's not light either. I tend to get more swelling and welts and than little hives. It's usually my face, hands, feet, and thighs that are effected the easiest. What I can suggest in wearing thin athletic gear under normal clothes for exposure to snow or winter, I live in Canada and I have a 20 minute walk to and from school and it's helped a lot! Also, wearing a scarf or high jacket with a hat helps too, gloves are a must! I think with drugs always comes a lot more negative side effects that leave you worse off than dealing with the allergy unmedicated.
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I have been diagnosed with Cold Urticaria. Being a surfer and snowboarder you can imagine my concern. I saw a specialist etc and all they said was stay out of the cold. Gave me a epi pen and i was on my way.

Feeling helpless i looked for other alternatives and one that was mentioned to me was to go gluten free. That and the taking of a natural drug (avail at health food stores) called inflavanoid has helped dramtically and while i still suffer some effects from it i am back in the water surfing. Here's a quick measure of my improvement:

Keep water temp the same and so is the wetsuit i am wearing at all times.
Before Gluten Free
Surfed for 15 minutes. Hands swelled, light headed and red all over. Outside air temp 28 degrees celcius
1 week after gluten free
Surfed for 45 minutes. Slight hands swell, red feet, red in spots and on arms. Outside air temp 24 degrees celcius.
3 weeks after
Surfed for 90minutes. Slight redness in hands/feet and in small spots on arms. Outside air temp was 15 degrees

I am also not afraid to expose myself to the cold in small doses. It cant hurt as long as it's controlled and i think it only helps build strength. The doctors dont advise you anything other than a just wait and see approach. I would prefer to at least take some action and going gluten free is something that has worked so far for me.

While i am no expert i have seen results from this approach. Try it. It cant hurt.
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563773 tn?1374246539
Cold urticaria is a disorder characterized by the rapid onset of itchiness, redness and swelling of the skin within minutes after exposure to a cold stimulus.

Patients typically experience symptoms while outside on cold, windy or rainy days. Fatalities following swimming have been reported and those affected should be warned that swimming or having a cold bath could be dangerous.

Diagnosis can be made by an ice-cube test. Place an ice cube on your forearm for 4 minutes and observe the area for 10 minutes afterwards. If you have cold urticaria, the area will become itchy and then swell approximately 2 minutes after removing the ice cube.

Treatment is avoiding exposure to cold stimuli, including swimming or bathing in cold water. You can give antihistaminics like zyrtec or tegamet to your son.You should enroll with Medic Alert and always carry Epi pen (injectable adrenaline) along with you when you are carrying your son outside.

Hope it helps.Take care and regards.

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