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Dust Mite Bed Covers

Hi, having had recurring hives for 12 months and now athsma I had an allergy test and was found to be allergic to dust mites.  I am now looking for some bed covers and have decided to get them from Allerayde.  I am not sure which type to go for though.  

The choice is between their original covers which are polyurethane membrane laminate on the reverse side of the cotton/poly material, or their new LITE covers which are based on a tightly woven microfibre with a pore size of less than 5 microns.  Any recommendations or thoughts on which is the best to go for?

Many thanks, Jason
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I don't know too much about the dust mite covers, but I do know about dust mites and you'll find that they are in more places than just your bed. These organisms live anywhere dust is, which includes in the air you breathe simply by standing in a room unmoving.

What you'll want to look into is a whole house air purifier so you won't have this problem follow you around the house. This may not be the direction you'd like to go, but considering the patterns of how air works and how much dust one person can create, I would suspect that his problem won't go away just by changing your sheets.

If you would like to look into an air filter system, the best I've seen in how it works and its price is at airlifeone. The Electrobreeze Polarized Media Fitlers is the way you'll want to go, and I've had friends who've had problems breathing inside, and now they don't have these problems any more.

Well, sorry I couldn't answer your question about the cover, but I do hope that I have helped.
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Hi, thanks for your reply.  I have been looking at something like this, but I thought I would try the sheets first since I have the worst symptoms during the night and upon waking.  If the bed covers don't make a huge difference I will certainly look air purifiers as the next step.

Thanks again for your help, much appreciated.

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