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Naxodol Levitra Allergic Reaction

I have been taking 250 mg of Naxodil three times a day for tendonitis of my right leg concluding with my last dose on 1/26 at 7:30 AM.  I never experienced an allergic reaction.  On 1/26 at 10:30 PM I took a 10 mg dose of Levitra after a dinner during which I consumed two alcoholic drinks (whisky with water and a glass of white wine).  In the course of the early morning I experienced some itching in my genital area.  In the morning at around 8 AM I noticed swelling of my index finger of my right hand an rash/hives in my genital area, front waste, and under my arms.  I have consumed much water in the course of the day.  The hives/rash have subsided and worsened in the course of the day.  All told though after over 24 hourse the conditions are incrementally worse -- swelling has extended to middle finger of right hand and same two fingers of my left hand and the rash/hives have spread to my elbow area and feet.  I prefer not to go to the hospital and just go see my doctor on Monday.  I am ill-inclined to take something like benedril without consulting first with a doctor.  When should I expect the reaction to subside.  Could it reach the point of becoming dangerous?  Please offer your thoughts.  
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You should take some OTC antihistamine medications or antiallergic medications like loratadine - which are non-sedating. Apply calamine lotion at the lesions. This should help soothe the lesions.

Keep the area clean and wear lose clothes.

Yes they could turn dangerous , so it would be best to go to the ER in case you notice swelling of lips or difficulty in swallowing or speaking.

See your doctor and get a proper clinical evaluation done to find out the exact cause of the allergic reaction.

Do let us know if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

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You should take some OTC antihistamine medications or antiallergic medications like loratadine - which are non-sedating. Apply calamine lotion at the lesions. This should help soothe the lesions.

Keep the area clean and wear lose clothes.

Yes they could turn dangerous , so it would be best to go to the ER in case you notice swelling of lips or difficulty in swallowing or speaking.

See your doctor and get a proper clinical evaluation done to find out the exact cause of the allergic reaction.

Do let us know if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

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