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hormone inbalance and hives

I have had hives just about as long as i have begun menopause, about three months ago. I have had every test, been to the E.R. and Dermotologist, if i spelled that wrong , WHO CARES!! Can you tell i am frustrated? Is there anything that makes them go away?. I have taken zrtec, but i have to take it daily to keep them under control. I have tried everything and i am extremely frustrated. Could it be a hormone inbalance and what would bring my body somewhat back in balance.
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my first time with a hormonal itch it did not produce hives but i would end up with bruises the size of a fist all over me. Finally, after many months of hinking I would go mad I was told to use Canestan cream. One application and the relief was almost instant. I got more permanent relief once I started on trouches for the hormones.
Worth a try. Just buy the small tube from the chemist to test. GOOD LUCK

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Are you on any medications currently? Have you noticed any specific aggravating or relieving factors to your symptoms?

Are you allergic to any substances?

Have you tried oral antihistamine or oral antiallergic medications? Have they helped with your symptoms?

You should apply calamine lotion at the sites of the lesion and see if it helps.

Talk to your doctor about taking steroid medication or putting you on an alternate day dose schedule to help with your symptoms.

You could ask your doctor about getting a blood test done for your hormone levels to clear out your doubts.

Let us know if you have any more doubts and also keep us posted about how you are doing.

Hope this helps.

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I have the same question. My hives always seem to go along with hormonal changes though my OBGYN says its a stretch.
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