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Please help me: Am or am i allergic to masturbation?!

Im 19 yr old male and i am suffering badly from masturbation.After masturbating,the nerves get twitchy all over my body(at any time) for an uncertain duration and reoccur randomly,my skin all over becomes itchy and i get red marks(sometimes followed by bumps),it feels like an insect is crawling under my skin,a liquid is discharged from my nostrils(so called as runny nose),my vocal cord swells up(not intensely but badly affects my voice).
I have been masturbating since 4 years(with the problem) - not more than 5 times a week.To relieve myself i have been consuming 'cetzine' since.Now im so frustrated that i stay stressed out the whole day because of consuming cetzine everyday.

Am i in deep trouble and is there a way to relieve myself?
11 Responses
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Sounds like a reaction to your body overheating and sweating post masturbation. I'd recommend you bite the bullet and see a dermatologist about this, rather than put up with the problem for any longer.
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Thnx! Should i tell the dermatologist about the masturbation thing?
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242516 tn?1368223905
histamine release causing red marks and itchyness is not uncommon after orgasm

you're not likely to be allergic to masturbation

your regular doctor can look at the rash and let you know what they think.
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Hello doctor,
Thank you for your reply.I want to understand the histamine problem.Actually i have consulted some doctors,but they suggest me to consume cetzine(which makes me very uneasy).Recently a doctor suggested me to consume Fexofenadine Hydrochloride tablets, which actually is less effective than cetzine. What can i do to cure myself or makes things better?
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179332 tn?1273247359
ever just try a benedryl ??  Even just a 1/2 tablet might prevent the reaction?
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636562 tn?1223667445
It's actually very normal (although completely uncomfortable) for the body to release histamines following an orgasm.  

Do you take the anti-histamines before or after you masturbate?  Taking them about 20-30 minutes before should be effective to prevent the itching....if you take them after it might take longer for them to take effect or they might not work as well once the histamines have been released.

You also might want to try taking a cold shower immediately after the orgasm to reduce your body heat....hot temperatures cause the itching to intensify.
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Have a look on this :
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i get cold that is in the form of allergy (that is running nose and sneezing) almost after masturbation or even if i get night fall.
I am 100 % sure about it , if i dont do masturbation for say 7 - 10 days then i dont get cold (allergy that is running nose and sneezing) for that period of time .
Sneezing continouly for 20-25 times is too much to handle for me .
Allergy last for 2-3 days if i dont take any medicine .
so i take anti allergy drug and get relive many times. is there any cure for it that is permanent .
i do heavy weight training everyday 7 days a week and i think this way i get some relive and i am fit and i dont get tried after doing workouts .
mine age is 29 years and i never involved in sex till now .
i want to ask if i get married and do sex then also will i get same
thing, if yes that will be a problem as i cant do much in a week.
Is there name for this disease or what it is called .

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4965579 tn?1404434338
Best of luck to ya. I have been trying to solve things like this for years. Try Magnesium and decide to cut back on masturbation because as I have learned after 30 years of it, the after effects can make a person ill despite what doctors or health practitioners say. In fact this is an issue that will yet come to the fore since you and I and others experience very negative after-effects from this practice. IT IS NOT THE SAME AS REAL SEX AND AFFECTS US DIFFERENTLY.
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Aks020 the solution for you is to take medicne that work on your nerves system and your imunity that will help you alot in preventing that symptoms you told about I sugest to take ginko biloba that is known as ginkogo onther patiant like you told me that he masterbute alot and he feel cold and disy and runy nose and lightheadnes and he took ginko go for 3 monthes he returned back to normal and wenever masterbation occurs with him he dosent feel any thing
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And sex on merrige is 360 dgree diffrent of masterbation becouse in sex there is a girl you see not imagning wich affect on yourself second the in masturbution the half of semen goes out and the other stays in your body wich makes all these problems it be asif like bacteria not alike the sex with your partner in marrige all semen goes out so nothing stays and nothing will affect on your body dont be scared
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