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Extreme itching

My question is, what would cause itching of the abdomen, chest, legs, back when it is not caused by allergies or weather.  I have been itching all over for about 4 months now.  There is no notable rash and I have eliminated everything but breathing to ensure it is not allergy.  My doctor several months ago thought it might be allergies and I eliminated everything changed soaps etc. but to no avail of relief.  I have tried body lotions, antifungal lotions, calamine lotion, you name it and not relief.  Any suggestions?
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179332 tn?1273247359
I had very similar symptoms that started a year ago... I as tested for Candida Albicans and - that is what is causing my itch (I itch under my skin...all over...no noticable rash too...goes away overnight...))  I am on nystatin powder now to control the candida... see the other posts on this forum...I feel like a broken record saying "candida" over and over but, a lot of folks have it and don't know it...I know splenda can cause itch...and being a diabetic can cause itch too....

Have you asked your doctor about taking zyrtec? it controlls hives and itch pretty well
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try transfer factor 4tf.com excellent immune modulator.. ur immune system is over reacting.
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