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Facing cold/dust allergi problem for a log time...

I have got tonsilities. Facing COLD/Dust allergy problem.... each time if there is nany temp. flactuation i got feaver. Then i have to take anitbiotic and it got refife. Is there any permanent solution for the same .
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The best thing to do would be to see your primary care doctor and ask for a referral to an allergist.  You could be a candidate for allergy shots, or a combination of an anti-histamine with singulair could help.

Good luck!
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Recurrent tonsillitis is an indication for tonsillectomy, as the tonsils may harbor the infection which keeps flaring up, or they may develop new infections. Tonsillectomy is advised if there is recurrent streptococcal tonsillitis, recurrent peritonsillar abscess and chronic tonsillitis. Please discuss this with your doctor am sure he will provide further assistance.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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