2085202 tn?1373199740

Feeling weird. Getting head rushes,chest pressure;allergies??

Hello all, i'm very concerned and wondering if allergies could be the culprit in this. I've been feeling very weird. Feeling weak and getting head rushes as well as feeling like iImight even pass out. On top of it every time I smoke my electronic cigarette I feel chest pressure and become short of breath then procede to wheeze. It has never effected me like this ever. I have also been sneezing and seem to have a bit of a runny nose. Should I just relax and take it as a bout of seasonal allergies?
7 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
do some research and check out environmental issue, I get similar symptoms and am certain its from the toxins they are spraying in the chem trial we see every day and they also night fly .there is a list of toxins being sprayed if you go online ..good luck
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Your symptoms could be due to Asthma. It is a disease affecting the lungs causing narrowing of the airways, usually due to an allergic reaction to triggering factors. Therapy is with bronchodilators which cause the airways to dilate. Your symptoms could also be due to COPD or Bronchitis. You will need to consult your doctor. He may ask for blood test and an X ray. Lung function tests could further help in evaluation. In the meantime try to take warm oral fluids and do steam inhalations prior to your meals. This helps to loosen up and bring out the secretions.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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2085202 tn?1373199740
Oh wow, I had no idea about this. This should be illegal. Why the hell do they do this for? That is scary...sounds like that could also lead to possibly serious conditions. Thank you for the info. I will check this out. Hope you are ok.
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2085202 tn?1373199740
Hello , I hope you are doing well also and thank you very much for your response. I'm honestly not dealing with this to well. It seems to be getting a little worse everyday. I actually woke up with a pressure on my chest today and was scarily out of breath...gasping for air first thing out of bed. My heart is also beating alot faster and harder as well. Now that you mention it when this happens it does seem like my airway is tightened up. I get a pressure on my chest, short of breath and wheezing. It also does seem like I might have a little congestion as I think I might be swallowing a little bit of mucus. I also have a runny nose. I really hope it's only asthma. Now that you mentioned it my Dr. has put me on an albuterol inhaler. I have had breathing problems in the past at times but they seem to only come and go from time to time then I seem to get better. Oh my god... I don't know what i'd do if It was copd. I hate to say it ....maybe finish myself off? =/ :( :( Do you think it could be allergies though? Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my post. I hope you are well and have a great easter with your family. :) :):)
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi !
Two of the greatest fundamental remedies regarding your condition
to check out:
1. Magnesium supplementation.
  Oral. MGCL2 pharmaceutical grade powder. 1oz/1L water, daily.
Sip SLOWLY throughout the day,to avoid laxative effects. In 2-3 days will experience improvement.
  Transdermal."Magnesium Oil" treatment. Rub on the body, leave  for 30'
to absorb and then shower. 2-3 times a week.

2 Breathing re-training! Go to the Normal Breathing website and also search for "The Buteyko Breathing Technique" for asthma, respiratory
and anxiety issues. VERY underlooked area of health and medical doctors
mostly ignore this extremely fundamental function.

NO drug therapy can replace these 2!

Let me know if you need more info, or just for support.

Wish you well!
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2085202 tn?1373199740
Wow, thank you Niko !!! :) I'll deffinitely transfer these onto paper and check into that one at the store asap. So you're saying these 2 things will kick the butt of all these allergy,ashtma, and anxiety symptoms and totally take them out? Ok, I just read parts of this site and checked out the buteyko breathing technique. So i'm trying to understand...basically is he saying we should slow down our breathing that we are over breathing and that hyperventilation can cause low oxygen levels? Wow it said that this also helps cure and prevent diseases ! A very big thank you to you sir. I wish you well to and hope you had a nice Easter with your family. :)
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535822 tn?1443976780
yes do some research for yourself the facts are out there they have done tests on the ground water and soil, this is going on all round the world..not just the US ..good luck
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