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Garlic/onion allergy??

Okay, this confused the heck out of me.... I know that sometimes I get a reaction from eating too much garlic/onion, but I haven't experience it for a long time now, and I love garlic bread. I don't eat too much onion or garlic though, I kept it low on the intake, since I don't actually like it that much, but I love the smell of it in my cooking. And I haven't been to a doctor about this. Two nights ago my partner brought home some fried rice, which I know it has garlic in it, just that I don't know how much. After that, I started having sore throat and a splitting headache. It lasted until today (I had to call in sick yesterday). I had a mild headache yesterday but a very sore throat and still a little bit of it today, but the headache comes and go at least.

Anyone else have any reaction to garlic/onion? My everyday food contains onion and/or garlic, I wonder if it's an unusual amount that set off the reaction? It's just that I have never met or heard anyone has these symptoms, especially where I'm from, the food always contains lots and lots of onion and garlic (although I'm never a big fan of it, and I don't live there anymore).
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I had my gall bladder removed about 12 years ago and had bile acid diarrhea due to bile being dumped directly into my intestines (rather than being dispensed gradually from the gall bladder).  I took Questran for years and then stopped thinking I didn't need it any more.  Last couple years I've had a terrible reaction to garlic (several days of diarrhea, gas and bloating).  I didn't make the connection between garlic and bile.  But apparently garlic increases bile production.  So I started back on the Questran about a week ago and haven't had a bad reaction so far.  Hopefully this will solve my garlic problem.  I'm going on a road trip through France and Spain soon and the prospect of avoiding garlic seemed truly daunting.  BTW, I've heard that there's some difference between the way garlic is used in cooking.  Supposedly if the chef only sautees a clove of garlic in the pan then removes it, you don't have the problem with digesting it.  But these days there's garlic salt and garlic powder in almost everything.  And I think these forms are more concentrated.
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Just a note: just because one can eat yogurt and cheese, that doesn't mean one isn't lactose intolerant. One can be intolerant to varying degrees. For me personally, I can also eat cheese, yogurt, cream, and even small amounts of ice cream. But a whole milkshake - forget it. And I just checked, and supposedly the milk sold in the US does not contain preservatives (mine in the fridge doesn't list one, either - I buy the "lactose free" milk). Bacteria and such in milk are controlled through pasteurization, refrigeration, and homogenization.
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Like you I had no problems with garlic (or anything else) for most of my life.  But 13 years ago I got what I thought was IBS (diarrhea).  Because I'd never had food intolerances it didn't occur to me that it might be a specific food item causing it.  But in the past few years I've noticed that I can't have anything with garlic in it or I really pay for it over the next couple days...stomach pain, gas and diarrhea.  I've tried Zantac, Omaprozole and Imodium for the symptoms but they don't help much.  And just try to completely avoid garlic!!  Not too hard at home where you can make sure of the ingredients in everything you buy but restaurants...forgetaboutit!  

I really like Indian and Chinese food but it's almost impossible to avoid garlic.  Even if they don't add it while cooking, it's an ingredient in most sauces and seasonings that are staples in these restaurants.  The non 'ethnic' places are a little better and I've become known to the staff in most of the places nearby.  But I'm not alone.  Even in our town in rural England I've started hearing about others with garlic intolerance.  The owner of our local Italian place said there were now several regular diners who have the same complaint.

I've heard the problem may be due to the addition of powdered garlic or garlic salt in so many packaged foods.  Some people say they don't have a problem in countries like France and Italy (even though they cook with a lot of garlic) because the garlic clove is removed after sauteeing and you only have it as a flavouring.  I don't know if this would work for me as I'm afraid to go near anything that's even had contact with garlic.
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I was just reading your experience about eating garlic, and have just had a very bad reaction to some really lovely italian spaghetti fruit de mer!  I had explosive diarrhea and was violently sick.  Thinking back, I have reacted to a lesser degree when I have eaten at this restaurant before, and wondered if it could be the garlic, as it is quite strong. Also I remember I had some lovely garlic prawns some years ago in France which was very garlicky and was ill afterwards.  I am fine when I cook with a small amount of garlic at home.  However, this latest upset has made me think I will not be eating garlicky foods in restaurants in future, as I also suffer from IBS and after this attack, it has really upset it!  Good to hear that I am not the only one who suffers.  Best wishes
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I was interested to read your post re taking slippery elm to counteract gastric problems after eating something with garlic.  I have the same intolerance to garlic (lots of gas, indigestion and diarrhea).  How much slippery elm do you take?  How soon after having garlic?  Does it prevent the symptoms?  Thanks.
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Hi my Dracula friends,  

I'm also VERY allergic to garlic and onions! when I was a child my reaction to these foods was mild since my family usually cooks them as deeply fried with olive oil , but I was very allergic to fish, banana, and nuts!

As I age, now 36, my allergy to fish, banana and nuts became mild, however, my Garlic and Onion allergy is getting severe.
Every time I have garlic and onion in my food (even very tiny amount), I feel very sick, feel very bad and aggressive, with bloating, upset stomach, severe headache, and very low concentration!
I know that Garlic makes people stupid! I agree! because, my Brain becomes FOGGY when I have Garlic and Onion in my food!
This is why Pilots, specially Jet fighters (F-16), are not allowed to even touch garlic three days ahead of their scheduled flight!!

My friends know that I am very allergic to Garlic, so if they want to get rid of me or just want me to keep away from the office, they just hang a bunch of garlic on the door!

Fatin, Transylvania.  
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