1049259 tn?1295088478


took Metronidazole 4 days ago on monday at 6pm

Side effects I had:
dark urine
metallic taste
upset stomach/vomiting

I also have these but unsure of if they are side effects or panic attacks:

racing heart
tingling hands
heart palps
Hard time breathing/ feels like I am breathing too slow or have to inhale  (felt this all day yesterday)
i also have coughing along with my heart palps

should i go to the er if I keep feeling like this or are these panic attacks?
6 Responses
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How are you? Metronidazole is generally well tolerated with appropriate use. Minor side effects include nausea, headaches, loss of appetite, a metallic taste, and rarely a rash. Serious side effects of metronidazole are rare. Serious side effects include seizures and damage of nerves resulting in numbness and tingling of extremities . If the tingling in your hands persists, you must inform your doctor about this. Metronidazole should be discontinued. Take care and do keep us posted.
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1049259 tn?1295088478
I am just fine:

Had these:  nausea, headaches, loss of appetite, a metallic tasteand dark urine  but they vanished 72 hrs ago today almost 96 hrs ago

I dont feel the tingling presistantly just when i am paniced, no numbness, no seizures
also get the tingling in my face when I am over worked and scared!
I don't have a dr. I went to the er and they told me I had trich so they gave me a load up or 2g or 2000MG of metronidazole

if it doesnt go away, panic attack or not..I am going to the er tomorrow even if my boyfriend hates the idea! better be safe then sorry

btw, do you know how long it stays in your system for??
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1049259 tn?1295088478
I wanted to add this: I have no history of allergic reaction and no health issues and I don't drink..I am suspecting this is Panic attacks however cause they dont happen offten.
sometimes I go a whole day feelingnormal until I think about the meds and the side effects...btw, had alot of panic attacks weeks before i took the med, same symptoms...... >.<
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The half-life of Metronidazole is about 8 hours. It takes about 1-2 days to clear it out of the system. With your history of panic attacks and same symptoms, then, the tingling of the hands may not be associated with the medicine. If it does not persist, you may not need to go to the ER. However, you my also want to address your panic attacks. Sometimes this starts when a person is under a lot of stress. Try to relax and de-stress. This can be managed with medical treatment. Do keep us posted. Take care and best regards.
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1049259 tn?1295088478
Ah, so it is out of my system. that is good!!
no other problems other then the panic attacks, constipation & gas. SORRY TMI...I havn't been eating alot and having stress which can be the main sorce of this issue. BUT I will keep you posted furthur.

havent had the PANIC ATTACKS as bad, had them alittle lastnight but I managed to control them and my boyfriend restricted internet for the weekend so I wouldnt look up symptoms to panic me.
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You might want to go to www.askapatient.com to see if others on this drug have same reaction. Some drugs have side effects that are kept from us! And there you will type in the drug, hit enter, and see how if effects others. Not from a doctor. But from others that took the drug. That is where more truth lies!
Heck, I did that and found out bipolar like symtoms were hidden from the public. And so doctors prescribe bipolar med. The blue pill. And guess who makes that pill? The same company who made the one that caused it. Yes,,,, Hide a side effect and sell the drug to treat it and it keeps you on it forever. When you never were bipolar in the first place. What's this drug? Flexeril. I think that is how it is spelled. I can't remember now.
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