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HELP!! Skin Irritation HELP!!

For 9 years now I have had eczema (I'm 16) which resulted in prolonged medical care from various hospitals.  Recently it has flared up.  I have seriously bad Pompholyx (tiny blisters) allover both my hands.  There has been strange pimples on my face which seem to have fluid in them.  My skin in EXTREMELY itchy!  Eczema has come back allover my body and the fluid-filled pimples are also on my left wrist.  My lips are very chapped and the skin allover my face is flaking off constantly.  I have tried Hydrocortizone (which usually works) which did nothing.  I have also tried Vaseline Intensive Moisturising Balm, which did nothing.  Plenty of other creams, nothing.  My face is the worst - it's swollen, lumpy and uneven.  Big red blotches are on my cheeks and chin, and the skin (especially around my mouth) seems to have some kind of fluid in the pores like I said.  It's awful, I can't go outside.  Please help!!!
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if it is infected they'll jus give you anitbiotics until it clears. also, it'll be painful but seriously try bathing in salt water, it heals it up so good! stings like hell, but so does the cream and some, i swear it makes you itch more lol.
for shower gels and stuff like that, get the unscented stuff like simple. me and my sister get away with using lynx and original source too
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hi how are you
my name is chong park    reno nevada
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24capsules 25 mg each you buy same one you can buy at wal mart
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Thanks so much for your reply.  Yeah, when I was younger I was prescribed better creams (eg. Elecon) which are intended for short term use, and they helped loads.  I'll have a go and see how my skin is.

I think you're right about the infection, it seems to be places that are prone to a bit of scratching or friction, for example places like my wrists where clothes rub.  I also looked into allergies and there's a possibility it could be my boyfriend's shower gel! I always seem to get flare ups when he stays over so I think it could be that.  

Thanks for your help! x
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get to the doctors!!! they can give you way better cream than hydrocortizone!
firstly as you've had eczema so long chances are you know all this.

the pimples could be where the eczema has got infected, especially if its yellow. my sister used to get this and blisters all the time, you just have to try and chill out and let it heal.
use vaseline for your lips, jus normal vaseline.
as for the rest i would definately go see a doctor and get reffered to a dermatologist, it could be infected so they'll probably give you steroid creams and tablets im afraid
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