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HTN & allergy medications

I take prescription medications for my HTN.  What over-the-counter allergy medication can I take for occasional allergy discomfort (sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion)?
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563773 tn?1374246539

These allergy symptoms that trouble you are due to allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is a collection of symptoms, predominantly in the nose and eyes, caused by airborne particles of dust, dander, or plant pollens in people who are allergic to these substances.
Although many antihistaminics and decongestants are there but every drug has its own interactions with the different antihypertensives.Since you are taking antihypertensives,so it is advisable that firstly it is found out whether there is any interaction between the antihistaminics and antihypertensives that you have been prescribed.It would be better if you tell us about the antihypertensives that you have been prescribed.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.Warm regards.

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Thanks for your response.  I can see how this is the case since my symptoms occur when I am around animals, cats in particular, not necessarily with dogs.  I take Toprol ER 50mg and Calan HCL 240mg.  I was hoping to find some OTC allergy medication to take for the few times I have these symtpoms.  
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