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Hawthorne Thorn *****

2 weeks ago I was unfortunately pricked by a Hawthorne thorn. The thorn entered my ankle about 2mm. I pulled it out and a little blood wept. About 3 hrs later my ankle had swollen to double the size with the ankle tendons becoming very tight. The swelling has now recindered but the tendons in my ankle are very sore and I struggle to put weight on it. It's as if I have damaged the tendons in a sports injury but I haven't.

As anyone got any suggestions what the cause and cure could be.

3 Responses
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for the post!
The thorn has started an inflammatory process around the ***** area resulting in flooding of fluid and cells to fight the poisoning effect of foreign body. This causes edema and cellulitis and pressure on tendons. The planter surface is very thick and tight. If there is pus formation, that would have got localized and causes pain on pressure. Also the infection could have resulted in teondonitis or synovitis (inflammation of joint sheath) too. Keep the foot raised and while sleeping raise it on a pillow.

Hope this helps. I think you should discuss this with your doctor and get your foot examined. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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A month ago I encountered a hawthorne bush and one of the thorns evidently entered the top of my finger leaving the thorn inside. The following day there was much pain and swelling and my doctor x-rayed the finger which failed to reveal any sign of a broken thorn inside. Finally after a month of discomfort, I squeezed a half-inch thorn which had been lodged in the flesh for more than three weeks. My question is, how might the x-ray have overlooked something this large inside my finger.
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If anyone else gets this take a form of citrizine hydrochloride - common allergy tablet - not prescription.
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