1640021 tn?1300581488

Head pressure.

Hi there my name is Leah. And for the past week i have notice this really heavy pressure in the back of my head, it feels like someone is pushing down. I do have allergies do you think it could be the allergies? but i also have really bad head and eye ticks, could that be something to cause this? Or like a tumor or something that isnt good?
2 Responses
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1640021 tn?1300581488
Thank you for your help! It great apprecaitated!
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, we cannot say for sure for now. Firstly migraine has to be ruled out which may have a triggering factor like specific food, smell etc. The next step would be to undergo CT of brain or/and lumbar puncture. These two investigations are vital for the diagnosis. The conditions which have to be ruled out are Giant cell arteritis, ruptured intracranial aneurysm, brain tumors etc.

Allergy can be a possibility i.e. secondary to rhinosinusitis. Sinusitis is also associated with pressure in head. In such case antibiotics o control infection, anti histaminics and drainage procedures are helpful.

I suggest you to consult a neurologist. Take care and regards.
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