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allergic cough

my daughter is 6 yr old.she has a very bad cough at times(nite & morning).doctor says there is no congestion as such.but v r not clear to analyse whether it is allergic cough/asthma.how to test??how to avoid this/preventive measures.
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Do you take blood pressure medication?  Years ago I was taking blood pressure medication called Altace.  I started having a dry cough, much worse at night, and it got so bad I would sometimes wake up choking from coughing in my sleep.   One day I was talking to a woman and she started coughing and had to excuse herself (and boy I knew how she felt!)  When she could talk again, she made her apologies and stated that her blood pressure meds made her cough!  I asked what kind of BP meds she was taking and sure enough, it was Altace, the same kind I was taking (but never bothered to read about the possible side effects!)  I had my meds changed and have been cough free for two years!  If you dont take BP meds, check the side effects of all the meds you do take.  I'm no doctor but if BP meds have this side effect, other meds may as well!
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hi i have been coughing for 4 months now, i am not a smoker. It seems to be worse at night. I went to the doctor and they put me on a z-pack for a week and also zyertc. While i was on that it went away and then came back the next week. Then I went to a better doctor and they put me on an inhailer and it didnt work. And i got told to get a chest x-ray. So I did that and they said nothing was wrong. I also had to go to a lab and get my blood taken and they said my Viteman D was really low. But i dont think that is what is causing this. If you could please help me I would really appresiate it.
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Has she been prescribed any medications? Is there a family history of allergy or asthma?

Night cough is usually seen in cases of asthma, GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease and sinusitis due to the post nasal drip. Does she have a fever?

Does she have any other symptoms like breathlessness, reflux symptoms or heartburn or nasal symptoms like nasal discharge etc.

She should try steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications and see if it helps with her symptoms.

If the cough still persists, it would be best to consult a pediatrician and also get a chest xray done to rule out a chest infection.

Let us know about how she is doing and if you need any other information.

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