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Reaction to cleaning materials

I have a terrible time each time I clean my bathroom with lysol tub and tile Mr.Clean,etc. My symptoms and they usually come with in 5 hours are My chest becomes dry and my voice is raspy, I itch, and become very hyper. Is this dangerous?  Is there a cleaner that might prevent this.

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If you have any health food stores in your area, they will probably be selling natural cleaners. If not, you can order non-toxic cleaners online.... here's a website that sells non-toxic products:


P.S. I use this product myself and it is just as good as the toxic cleaners.
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Hello I am 25 years old and I was using Mr. Cleaning cleaning solution and Mr. Clean dry erase markers, while cleaning my floor and My legs broke out in redness and it was literally burning my skin!!! I called the number on the back of the mr. clean bottle, and they told me to put burn ointment on the burned area and take a dose of Tylenol every 4-8 hours, and I did that. It still isn't better, two days after that I called my doctor and he told me to do the same thing, and its been 8 days now and my leg is getting worse. I use Mr. Clean all the time and it's touched my legs before but this is so much pain and I don't know what to do. Please any advice would be appreciated.
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In addition to natural-style cleaners, you could also use Mr. Clean Magic Erasers and/or Bon Ami. They both clean mainly by being mildly abrasive, rather than with solvents, so there are no fumes or odors at all. Be careful though, because since they're abrasive they can scratch things, but they only will scratch delicate surfaces, such as acrylic tub surrounds, or fancy brushed finishes. Bon Ami will also scratch glass but the magic erasers are safe on glass.
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