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496771 tn?1209694758

Hair Dye Allergy and Painful Swelling?!

I just dyed my hair the other day at an Aveda salon. My hair line is extremely swollen and painful and the glands behind my ears are as well. They are sore to the touch and honestly kind of lumpy! -- am I in any danger? Will this just go away? Should I be worried? It's been about 48 hours since I dyed my hair.
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I need your help. My mom helped me to dye my hair. Then after few minute she began to feel the sting in her finger nails and it hurts. It is dangerous? We used garnier hair colors naturals. I'm that I might get killed because of this. I read about an article that some of women who just applied hair color caught in danger.please help.
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I just dyed my hair and I got some hair dye on the bend of my arm and I noticed that my arm was stinging and I felt it and it is swallon what should I do I have a ice pack on it and I took a Morton and it been 30 min now my fingers r tingling some
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I have done the same thing. Had burns on my head and ears oozing and nasty. Then got hives all over. That was three weeks ago. Been to ER 5 times. Caused breathing problems. Lost all my hair and look like I have the measles or something. Been taking anti histamines and steriods. My head and ears are healing on the outside but winded up with inner ear infection from the oozing. Tar shampoo seems help the itching try T gel the store brand works fine.
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I am an educator for CHI/ Farouk systems. I have faithfully used this color line e for 11 years now. I switched to this color line over 11years ago because I had several clients with this issue. CHI Ionic hair color has
It is environmentally friendly.
Hope this helps,
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Oh my gosh me too me too me too is all I have to say
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please could you tell me what percentage of hydrogen peroxide to shampoo should you use?
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For he past year I've been having the itchiness, redness, rash, bumps, oozing on the back of my head . I've had swollen lymph nodes (now I know what it is, I thought it was just an annoying cyst and thought the bumps were some kind of scalp infection). Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like there is something lodge in my throat, waking up in a panic thinking I'm actually choking, most likely the swelling in my throat. I never had the swelling of the face so the symptoms vary from person to person.

Today, my sister bought a different brand of hair dye, and I was looking through the steps to prepare it and noticed the allergic test and it mentioned the itchiness, redness, rash, bumps etc. Immediately it all made sense, I started getting grey hair a year ago now and that is when all these symptoms started. I came online instantly and found this site - turns out I am not the only one. I am also sure we all originally thought it was some kind of scalp infection or acne/zits/cysts - who would of thought it would be hair dye...

I have jet black hair and it's what I've been using - L'Oreal. I usually just rub it thoroughly in my scalp ensuring I get all the grey hairs. I can't see behind me so it's kind of where I put most of the hair dye, which is where most of the bumps are.

Firstly, I have a question - Do lighter hair dyes cause this, or is it just dark ones? If I can't maintain my black hair, I might as well do something lighter.

Secondly, I overlooked the allergy test and have been using the same brand since day 1, since it is super simple to use. Do the allergy test! I cannot say for sure if it's the PPD, but judging by 95% of the people here - this is the cause.

Lastly, I want to say that I have no fix solution, yet. Tomorrow morning I am going straight the doctors office and telling him exactly what is causing this. I've read all the answers here and seems like the best things are Prednisone and Zyrtec. Other things to try are Antihistamine, Claritin, Steroids, 2% hydrogen peroxide, Benadryl, Cortizone 10 Cream, Calamine Lotion.

Our immune systems are different, so maybe my solution won't work for you. As soon find what works for me, I will let you know.
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Little update, just came back from the doctor's office and he prescribed me Fucidin H 1%/2% which is a combination of two medications. And of course stop using the damn hair dye, lol.

Fusidic acid belongs to the family of medications known as topical (applied to skin) antibiotics. It works by preventing the bacteria from reproducing, allowing the body's defenses to get rid of the existing bacteria.

Hydrocortisone belongs to the family of medications known as corticosteroids. It works to reduce itching and inflammation of the infected area.

Apply twice a day and use a bland shampoo. Takes several days to take effect, so will keep you posted on how it goes.
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I have painful lumps in the back of my head like someone hit me in the back of the head with a baseball bat after using splat hair dye, anyone else with these symptoms know if they will go away??
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17338517 tn?1455770304
Hi, I had my hair re-bonded/straightened and dyed 2 days ago and I can feel my scalp and some part of my neck itchy and had swollen. I haven't washed my hair cause I have been advised I can only wash it tomorrow as part of the rebonding process. I'm taking in cetrizine twice a day to soothe itchiness. Can you pls help me with this. By the way, a couple of years ago, I had henna tattoo at my back and it has swollen and was itchy too.
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Hi I had an allergic reaction to hairdye a few weeks ago, I had the weeping rash on my neck and chest. Hives on my neck and stomach. And rash on my arms. Tongue and throat swelling and breathing problems. I still experience exaceberation of my symptoms every time I wash my hair the Hair dye comes out on go my towel and my tongue swells. I've been tod by the manufacture it is still active ppd. I am considering shaving off my long hair. I am female. Before I take this drastic step I'd like to know from your experience did it help shaving the head?
Thank you for taking the time to read this as I feel quite desperate.
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Same dye for me, back of my scull at base was all swollen like someone smacked it with a baseball bat, sore!,,
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Hi there - I never had that sort of reaction, thank God. What you are describing is borderline anaphylactic. If you read my posts, you can see I've had horrible and wide-spread reactive symptoms, but never a closing/swelling of the throat, as you experienced. That is the thing that put so many people in the hospital! Supposedly, there are some dyes out there that are tolerable but it sounds like you already tried one. I'd find some alternative if I were you. It's not worth it. It can cause death. I'll never, EVER use a dark-colored dye again! Good luck to you and hope you continue to feel better! Hugs!
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Update - It's now July 16th and I am still experiencing problems. I finally shaved off the black hair. Yes, shaved to 1/8'. I have shaved it 3 times now as it grows out. Most of the black is gone but my scalp is still reacting. The swollen glands are almost gone but I still have rashy patches in various places on my body. I have been applying several mixtures to my scalp. Vitamin E oil in a coconut oil base and tea tree oil in a coconut oil base but nothing really seems to work. I tried honey, olive oil, just about everything. I recently bought some Alba products...the Hawaiian shampoo/conditioner and the original body lotion. They don't contain any weird chemicals so I thought I'd give them a shot. So far, the lotion is doing wonders. I'm going to try rubbing into my scalp too. I also started using perfume-free Dove bar soap for sensitive skin. I'm liking this. My skin feels much better. I think the key is MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE. With the scalp thing, I don't know. It's the worst part, at this point. I honestly think this is going to take a long time to completely clear. I will update again! Hang in there everyone!
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I am pretty sure that I too have developed an allergy to hair dye.  I have colored my brown hair at the salon and at home with semi and permanet color for about 20 years now.  I am 49.  When I was younger, it was more for fun and then to cover the gray as I got older.  I started noticing that I was itchy and warm while it was on my head.  It never burned and I never developed blisters.  However, what is strange about me is that it seems to affect my throat (and ear ) only on the left side and this is freaking me out.  It feels like my throat is swelling and like it's traveling up to my ear but only on the left side.

I did a patch test today of Madison Reed hair color which has no PPD and within 40 minutes I started to get the off uncomfortable feeling in my throat but no skin reaction on my arm.  I took a Benadryl and my throat got much better but still a little strange.  

Has anyone else had this type of reaction?
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Foot note*

A few symptoms I forgot to include: heart palpitations and irregular heart beat, racing at times. A general feeling of malaise and lack of energy. Overall, I just haven't felt very well for the last six months.

I am also taking Claritin which does help somewhat, not to mention, helps me sleep.
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Hey everyone - I know first hand the misery of the PPD allergic reaction. I have blonde hair and have had a shocking pink under-layer for a couple of years...no problems there. But then I decided I wanted a black layer, under the pink. I started doing that in November of 2014. I was stupid and didn't do a patch test. I didn't take the warnings seriously and now feel like an idiot. Around the same time, I got a tattoo on my neck. A few weeks later, there were red bumps at the tattoo site but I didn't really think too much about it and they eventually went away. Shortly thereafter, I noticed hive-like lesions on the back of my neck. I thought maybe it was eczema so I treated it as such. But I started to get them elsewhere on my body, along with measle-like patches and areas of tiny, raised bumps. My ears swelled to twice their normal size and oozed constantly. Also, all of the glands in my neck and on the back of my head were swollen and tender. I realized then, that something serious was going on that had nothing to do with eczema and went to the doctor. He did a culture of the oozing liquid and determined I had a staph/strep infection (which I now realize was secondary to the real problem). I took two antibiotics for 10 days, had antibiotic injections and took some herbal remedies as well. He also prescribed an oral steroid regimen but the very first dose made me so ill, I didn't take any more of them. He then referred me to a dermatologist who prescribed a heavy duty steroid ointment. This helped my ears get somewhat back to normal and even started to clear the hive-like lesions and rashy patches. 'Okay', I thought, 'it's finally going to go away'. It took two months to get to that point but I was optimistic. Then just yesterday afternoon, I decided it was time to re-do the pink and black layers in my hair. Within an hour or so of dyeing and rinsing and styling, my scalp started to swell and ooze like crazy, and ONLY IN THE BLACK-DYED LOCATIONS. I decided to research and found out about PPD, and then eventually, found this forum. I was shocked to read everyone's symptoms that were EXACTLY like mine. Now I know what the initial problem was. Maybe I did develop a secondary staph/strep infection but that was not the basis of the problem. It was the dye. I used Splat Jet Black, just fyi. Even though I am miserable today, I feel better now that I know what the real problem was, that started late last year. I am in my sixth month of this horror and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I am going to try to lift some of the black by using the Dawn dish soap/dandruff shampoo method and hope that relieves some of the symptoms. I can't bring myself to cut it off so I guess I'll just have to suffer until it grows out. Thanks to all of you that posted here. It helped me immensely, and even though I am sorry you have/are experiencing what I am, it's comforting to know I am not alone. Hugs to all.
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Update; It's now been 11 weeks since I had my hair dye reaction. In the end after 2 visits to the doctors and hospital I ended up in hospital for 5 days. Once in hospital only then did the medication and creams etc they give me start to work. I've been out of hospital for about 7 weeks and I still have lumps on my head. My whole body itches still and now when I scratch too hard I'm getting bruised. My legs look like I've been battered as they itch the worst. Off to the docs on Tuesday to see if he can help.
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I have gone thru 2 rounds of prednisone and the rash us still crawling up in my hairline.  It has been all over my shoulders and back.  It has Ben 3 months now and still hanging on
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I had my hair dyed nearly 2 weeks ago by my regular hairdresser who comes out to my home. She used the same stuff she always uses but. OMG I'm having a really bad allergic reaction and I'm still getting symptoms coming on me now. My head is literally covered in lumps, my ears are burn't and weeping, I have a rash on my chest. Now my eyes are starting to swell, I'm getting pins and needles all over my body, and my whole body is aching and I'm getting dizzy spells. What makes it worse is I already suffer from Vertigo and get panic attacks so all this is making me panic. Went to my docs yesterday and all she gave me was Certriline one a day and Fluxocillan 3 times a day for an ear infection I have. But nothing for my weeping ears, or rash or to ease my scalp etc. Do I phone the 111 helpline as I'm getting worse by the minute. Any replies would be really appreciated. Thanks.
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i never had trouble with dyes and tried this brand i never used before in asian Black and now i look like Frankenstein with a big *** head. and closed up eye i will deal with the gray im done with that stuff. i have to go to work looking like this i might try and take off this is bull crap im too mad to cry.i did get a steroid shot and for the scabs on my scalp, forehead and ears every time i itch i use my 100% JoJoba oil and it does sooth and i cut my finger nails off and use a boar brissle brush to scatch my head i hope the ice pack im using over my eye helps too just want to get better damn it hope this helps someone else
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Hi stock!

I  completely  understand what you are going to. I have been there. It took me about 6 months to get rid of itching and burning. I went to see my dermatorogy 3 times and almost give up and willing to shave my hair .My scalp itch and burn terrible. I can not concentrate at work. I tell my self I will never dye my hair again. I am willing to try anything to get rid of my itch and burn. Apple Cider seem to work for me. I used one cup of apple cider and one cup of water mixed and apply all over my hair and scalp. Cover my head with shower cap and leave it for about 10 to 15 minutes and shampoo as normal . I do this 2-3 times a week. It make my head feel much better and my hair feel very soft and clean.  Good luck and hang in there. It will get better.!!!!
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Hi, I too use perfect 10 and have developed an allergy. I have found a great  hairdye, available on the internet. It's called Naturvital and is PPD,Ammonia and Paraben free. It comes with a shampoo and hair mask(all natural products). Don't know if they deliver to Canada but it's worth having a look at ther website. Good luck
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Thats so sad to hear, i also had the same problem a year ago. I dyed my hair with black hair dye and the next day my eye was so swollen like i had been stung by a bee. Half my face was swollen and i had a wedding that day! I went to the doctor after travelling on airplane, he gave me steroids which i had to take 3 tablets in the morning then 6 later that evening/night. My symptoms started to heal so fast and by the next night i was better. I crap thing is, its not just that brand of hair dye its the PPD that is a chemical in some hair dyes and other things. This is not something i want to go through again, itchy and swollen ears, itchy nipples, stomach cramps & swollen face. The doctor said i was lucky that my throat did not fully close! Please guys if u had this reaction before even just itchiness, it is just the beginning, I've had swollen ears and scalp throughout high school when i dyed my hair and i did not think it could escalate into something that is life threatening! Good luck guys! i hope u all get better!
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Omg i just called my father crying and told him I looked like an alien with my swollen head and temples. I have an allergic reaction to Garnier Olia hair dye and it was black, what makes this worst in that im leaving in 2 days to go see family and some guy I really like..might cancel on that one though!!
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I used Henna for the second time. I think that I am having a bad reaction to it. My scalp is irritated and I think that my eyes, nose and forehead are swelling. I thought that this would be a safe alternative to the hair dyes that have sent me to the ER more than once in the past.
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