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Hives Around 8 o'clock

For the past couple of nights, I've been getting hives on my stomach, arms (especially my upper arms), neck, chin, ears, and the most painful spots, my fingers and under the skin of my palms.  I have no idea where this could be coming from.  I haven't been changing my lyfestyle.  At first, I thought it was this new laundry detergent, and But I changed all my clothes, taken plenty of showers, and yet it still comes at night.  One day, it happened when i went to work, and it was all over my legs.  But the past couple of nights, it would be around 8 o'clock whether I was at the mall or at home.  I tried doing the same thing through out the day (which was just chilling in my room, I called into work) and nothing happened until around 8.  I did some research, and by reading some stuff, I don't think it's allergies.  I just need some advice, because this is killing me...
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You're obviously suffering an allergic reaction to SOMETHING... it seems like you've tried everything to figure it out - but there is no pattern.

I would just get a referral & visit an allergist & get scratch tested. This way,  you should be able to figure out exactly what is causing this reaction. People tend to get new allergies as they get older - and perhaps something new has come up for you.

It really could be anything - getting tested will be able to pinpoint that.

Good lucK!!!
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My son gets hives occasionally and I believe his due to auto immune diseases.  I originally thought food too.  I notice he breaks out 30 minutes after an upset....so can be emotional.  

I give him antihistamine which seems to work temporarily to alleviate the itch.

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Mine com mostly when I sleep but will also come during the day.
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