97615 tn?1212678589

Hives, Heat and Exercise

I have been getting a red rash for about 2 years upon exertion or w/ a temperature change.  The rash appears on my arms (inside only), on my chest and neck.  it doesnt always itch.  it goes away after i cool off.  this also happens w/ emotional changes, as when i get upset or frustrated or nervous.  i also get itching sometimes w/ no rash that travels from my feet up to the top of my head and i become so itchy i have to stop running (it happens when i am running) and itch myself.  i do not have a rash, i just itch.  i have been to an allergist and immunologist.  i have had liver tests and allergy tests and i have been tested for rheumatoid arthritis.  i take zyrtec which keeps it under control most of the time.  and by under control i mean i still get the rash just not as bad.  i do have seasonal allergies and asthma that are under control.  this did happen after stopping singulair and becoming pregnant, miscarrying, pregnant again and delivering, and now it is getting bad again.  i dont want to just control it, i want to know why it is happening.  all drs tell me to live w/ it.  i cannot.  i believe it is 2ndary to something else, but what????  anyone else have this.  could it be liver trouble??  mastocytosis??  sarcoidosis???  the dr called it exercise induced anaphylaxis??  it isnt just exercise though.  i could use some answers.  
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Ive had this problem for two or three years as well. At first I itched with no redness at all but eventually it turned into red blotches from head to toe and as it progressed it stop itching but in its place, a stinging pain occured. It wears off after I cool off. My doctor was telling me about a shot for everyday that might help but lost contact with her. Anyone else heard of a shot?
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i have had this problem for the past two years during there winter months. it seems like if im running, working out, in front of a fire place, or even wrestling with my nephew, or riding home with my sister and she has the heat blasting i start to ich. usually starting with my wrists or ankles and goes to my knees an neck and head. the itch is extremly intense like no other itch ive ever had. there is no way i could continue to do what ever i was doin before i startd to ich. it goes away if i move to a cooler enviornment such as outside or let a window down and **** everyone off in the car. i recently realized when i start itching i get a small rash on the inside of my wrist but it goes away about five minutes after the itching stops. i went to a doctor. he proscribed me some medicine called diphenhydramine. he said it was a antihistamine. but it doesnt work not even one bit!! dont ever go to a doctor in halifax virginia! i have no clue whats wrong with me or even if a doctor can firgure it out! any help on what it is that i have and a treatment? any help will be greatly apreciated!!!!!
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I finally got cured, i went to a homeopath and he gave me some pills that i took the for tow month i started to get better each the after the first month and now i'm totally fine, tnx god, so plz try a homeopath and plz let me now of the results.
God bless u all.
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1521023 tn?1291092697
I have had this problem since I was 6 years old, I am now 19. It has gotten a little better over the years but not at all how I thought it would change. When I was little I was told "you will grow out of it" Obviously, that never happened. I used a mixture of antihistamines for a while, and that seemed to help ALOT. My suggestion is go to an allergist, STRESS that you have such a problem with it and can't function in a normal life without having this problem. If I had the cure, I would send it everyones way! Dealing with this for 13 years has been awful, and I am glad to know I am not the only one out there with this issue. Hang in there, hopefully it will get better!
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, it needs careful evaluation of history to come to a particular diagnosis and your symptoms are suggestive of allergy. Your symptoms can be suggestive of physical or cholinergic Urticaria which presents as erythematous swelling of the skin secondary to temperature changes
Anti-histaminic and/or Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist (may be added if not controlled by antihistamines) will help to relieve the symptoms. You can go for the long term therapy; side effects will not be matter of concern except for mild sedation and sometimes headache.

Other causes can be contact or irritant dermatitis. Find out if you are allergic to some new garments which you wear in night times, or bed sheets etc. If such is the case, you need to avoid further exposure to it.  Other mentioned causes by you are unlikely.
I suggest you to consult a dermatologist for further evaluation. Take care and regards.
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Alright so you are all not alone although I don't know the cure.  I have found that it is getting worse as time is going on and it is becoming almost impossible to work out.  Zrytec not working even a little bit. I have gone to a dermatologist and she really wasn't that interested in helping me.  Thinking that it may be hormonal, because it started after my son was born, I am making an appointment with the gynocologist.  I also get extremely car sick since he was born.  I am frustrated beyond belief.  
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