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97615 tn?1212678589

Hives, Heat and Exercise

I have been getting a red rash for about 2 years upon exertion or w/ a temperature change.  The rash appears on my arms (inside only), on my chest and neck.  it doesnt always itch.  it goes away after i cool off.  this also happens w/ emotional changes, as when i get upset or frustrated or nervous.  i also get itching sometimes w/ no rash that travels from my feet up to the top of my head and i become so itchy i have to stop running (it happens when i am running) and itch myself.  i do not have a rash, i just itch.  i have been to an allergist and immunologist.  i have had liver tests and allergy tests and i have been tested for rheumatoid arthritis.  i take zyrtec which keeps it under control most of the time.  and by under control i mean i still get the rash just not as bad.  i do have seasonal allergies and asthma that are under control.  this did happen after stopping singulair and becoming pregnant, miscarrying, pregnant again and delivering, and now it is getting bad again.  i dont want to just control it, i want to know why it is happening.  all drs tell me to live w/ it.  i cannot.  i believe it is 2ndary to something else, but what????  anyone else have this.  could it be liver trouble??  mastocytosis??  sarcoidosis???  the dr called it exercise induced anaphylaxis??  it isnt just exercise though.  i could use some answers.  
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97615 tn?1212678589
wow, i am really beginning to think it is hormone related.  at least for me.  i had this w/ my first pregnancy and actually it got really bad last week and i found out i am prego again.  i am thinking that it might be a surge in a specific hormone..maybe progesterone????
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I also have this.  It got much worst after I had my son last year.  I am currently taking Zyrtec.  I thought that I imagining some crazy allergy at first but it is the real deal.  It acts up especially after working out.  I get red hives on the inside on my arms and all over my legs.  I am curious to hear some success stories for treating this strange allergy.
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I have the same thing for about two years now.. i get hives and even little bumps on the skin with temperature change.. it was so hard for me to find out that doctors could not understand that i was allergic to "heat" or sunlight.. i have found ways to make sure the temperature changes are not so sudden (i would roll the car windows down on a warm day and turn the ac on in advance) but it seems to be getting worse .. i have researched a lot about this "disease" and found nothing except that it does happen to others and not just me .. i really think it has something to do with hormones..something triggers it inside your body and than it's hard for your body to tolerate sudden temperature change..
living with these allergies is hard.. i cant walk fast, run, get emotional, work out, or even dance a little without getting hives all over my body!!
I will be taking birth control pills to regulate some of my hormones and to regulate my period.. hopefully that will help the allergies also ..
watch what you eat.. eat healthy! and working out a little helps too!
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97615 tn?1212678589
wow, thanks.  i guess i am kind of fortunate that it hasnt been life long.  i keep looking for answers and come up w/ nothing.  i have read a lot about some new age procedures but they are all too pricey for my pocket.  i really was hoping that it had to do w/ hormones and maybe i am pregnant again??!!  that's when this all started anyhow.  i just want to get to the bottom of it.  thanks for the reply.  best wishes to you.  
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i have exactly what you have except it's not as itchy. but on top of that I have chronic hives..which is whole another story. i think the heat rash it some sort of hives actually....i've had the form you have all my life. it's just how your body is built. i have pretty sensitive skin and just driving in the heat brings out red blotchy on my chest. when i take really hot showers i get them where my skin is thin. if your itchiness is really bad try putting really thick lotion on. i know it's frustrating to hear that you have to live with it...but it's the truth. i've had chronic hives on top of the heat rash for about 1.5yrs now. and that's something very frustrating to accept. i usually just exercise when i know i'm not going anywhere. i know someone who was "allergic" to sunlight. she would blister like crazy..but hers disappeared in three years. so give it some time. if you weren't born with this...there's a good chance it will disappear.
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