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Hives and flu shot

I was recently diognosed with hives. I had symtoms the following day after recieving a flu shot. Do you think the flu shot caused the hives?
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I got the flu shot last Thursday as I didn't want to risk getting the flu during GRE week. I am a senior in college applying to grad school. The following Sunday night, my body atRtes itching and by morning, I was fully covered with hives, after having no hive history at all. Last year I had gotten the h1n1 shot only and this year was my first time getting the flu shot itself. The health center at my school still isn't convinced it may be due to the shot due to the amount of time between the breakout and the shot. I have GREs this Saturday. So much for paying $20 to not get the flu....
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i had been getting hives for years and one day my doc said get a flu shot today it is the season..  two days later the skin on my feet and hands peeled and lost my toenails and fingernails.. finally healed and i have never had hives or flu shot since. this year is the h1n1 and dont know if is should or shouldnt get one.......
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Many of the vaccines contain formaldahyde as a preservative.  You may have a formaldahyde allergy.  I had the allergy patch testing done two years ago after dealing with rashes on my body and had been doing pretty well after a shift in lifestyle which included eliminating formaldahyde products from my home which included, detergents, shampoo, conditioners, no dryer sheets or fabric softeners, dish detergents, etc.  I recently purchased a new piece of clothing and immediately broke out in a rash after contact, and got that somewhat under control, and then had to be treated with an IV antibiotic for an infection.  The rash/hives have been full-blown and nearly unbearable.  I know it is not the antibiotic as I can take them orally, but it had to be the preservative in the medication.  
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Hey there,

Got the flu shot for the first time last week. After about 5 days of muscle soreness and generally not feeling well I developed HIVES. They have come and gone over the past three days, covering my entire body at their worst. In the middle of the night my upper lip swelled up to three times its size and I went to the ER. They gave me a steroid shot and an order for Prednisone. I guess I am starting my journey down the road of dealing with a FLU shot allergic reaction.
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Hi Craig,

I had the H1N1 shot back in Oct of 2009, and like you I have been plagued with hives since the very next morning after my shot. I am a male in my late 30's and was in perfect health prior to the shot. I am experiencing hives every day and it has been nearly 9 months.
Check out:


to see more information. I and many others think this should be a class action lawsuit.
Good luck!
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i am a man in my 30s,i also got flu injection through work in 2006.I also came out in urticaria a few days later,i did have the chicken pox a few months earlier,i;m not sure if anyone can relate to that in some way?Anyway I went to doctor,a dermatoligist then a allergist/immunoligist,i was diagnosed with chronic urticaria,the specialists said it probably was due to the flu injection but we cant prove it .(i seen a dietitian who put me on a low salicylates and amines diet.I then got sick with vomiting bug and when i recovered from that my urticaria was gone(a year and a half after it started)So i thought,until 2 months ago after i had the flu it came back,(2.5 years after it went away)this time more aggressive than ever,ive been on prednisone for most part of those 2 months,just seen allergist again put me on zyrtec and zantac,which has helped but still getting flair ups.The specialists still say its not due to the flu injection!!!!Myself personally am 100% sure it was the flu injection that triggered the chronic urticaria and we need to get together and prove it!    I am going to see a natropath soon,spoke to a lady in a chemist whos son suffers from it,she says theres 2 immune systems,and when one is low the other can rise causing urticaria,she said cod liver oil helps balance them out along with vitamin d.She also said most skin conditions come from the stomach so get your stomach checked.
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we noticed cold urticaria in our daughter just after having the flu jab too...its really had an effect on her..it shows up on her skin in the cold and hot conditions. Her Doctor has prescribed different anti allergy no result. The NHS should find a cure and prevention of negative side effects of the flu jab.

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