596105 tn?1314580333


My friend is breaking into hives and we cant tell what its from...He has been taking Bayer Back and Body pain killers for like 3 days and he was fine but today he is COVERED in hives...his breathing is fine...He is also trying to quit smoking and we hear that that can cause hives in some people...we dont know what could have caused it....Could it be Bayer? Will benadryl help?
5 Responses
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I would definitely try Benadryl and stop taking Bayer.  Most Bayer that I am aware of has aspirin in it and they may be experiencing either an allergic reaction or sensitivity to it.  I would opt to take Tylenol or Acetemetophin for the headaches if they are trying to quit smoking and are getting headaches from it.

If they are having any severe reaction like throat swelling or trouble breathing call emergency services immediately.

Also it might help to mention what body painkillers they are taking in their post too because there is might be some reactions caused by those as well.  They should contact their doctor to tell them about their reactions to see if these medications are the cause.
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Bayer is aspirin
so if u want; change to acetaminophen (generic for Tylenol)

BUT DO THIS; go to vitamin store (or pay more) buy Pro-biotics enough to take 100 billion cultures daily x 1 mo, cut to 50 x 1 mo, cut and stay at 25 billion (not million) cultures daily

the Benadryl  is fine and probably will help
IF NOT patient may need a steroid cream; i.e. Triamcilalone Acetonide  or ever stronger and they can have a dramatic effect

change diet COMPLETELY; eat only 1 or 2 simple things like skinless chicken and steamed veggies

in a week; this will help greatly or MOVE ON to something more complicated

good luck

wear and sleep in only freshly clean garments, (same with bath towel etc)

next; friend could be suffering YEAST or any complication such;
eczema, psoriasis etc but most likely the body is in poor immunologically

drink water only (tap or spring) no purified
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Definitely keep us updating on how everything goes and what they discover the issue was.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Hives develop in response to an allergic reaction, by the release of histamine. The allergen can be medications, food, extremes of temperature, exercise and viral infections to name a few. You can try to keep track of what triggers the response. So, therapy lies in resolving/avoiding the allergen and anti-histamines. An allergen specialist can help identify the allergen. If the present anti histamines are not very effective you can consult your doctor for long acting ones.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Just wanted to check in with you and see how your friend was doing and if their symptoms went away?  Send us an update when you can.
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