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Weird M.S.-like symptoms

Have you ever heard of an allergic drug reaction that involves
-tingling, pins n needles sensations down one side of body (no pain)
-same sensation/ numbness comes and goes on other side
-severe headaches
-difficulty with balance and reflexes (i.e. "asleep" hands that don't do what I want them to)
-electric shock sensations, but only at night
I take a very small dose of Lexapro (1/6 of a pill most days) or this may just be stress.
Thank you beyond measure if you want to weigh in or have heard of something like this!
FYI it started over 1 month ago :)
2 Responses
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Hope it all got ironed out with your cous.
Me, who knows. I think I need a witch doctor :)
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hi- this sounds strange, but similar to what my cousin had.
He was experiences numbness on his face along with strange sensations-
his dr. ruled it as anxiety.  since you are on lexapro- have you considered adjusted your dose or trying to take another medication- your anxiety might  be the cause of this.
(assuming you take lexapro for depression.anxiety)
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