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I am a eighteen year old female, who has suffered from hives since June of this year. I have been covered in them everyday for an unknown reason, random parts of me start to swell up such as half my face, lips, feet, fingers, knee, pretty much anything very randomely. I have had many blood tests only showing that I am borderline lupas, but not enough that i have to be on any medications or anything. Benadril has stopped working on me, I have tried every antihistamine out there. I am currently taking Ketotifen 1mg 4 times a day, plus four 10mg of Reactine, plus one 10mg Singulair and also four 25mg's of Hydroxyzine. And i still get severe hives everday. I have got allergy tests and it shows i am not allergic to anything. It is extremely frustrating, It seems to get worse when I eat. I have tried an elimation diet and nothing has worked. Please give me your advice on what you think it may be, thank you.
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There is a medication called hydroxozine and it works wonderings. I've been suffering with TERRIBLE hives on and off for years...have your doctor do a mono test on you. My doctor couldnt figure out what was wrong with me, then he noticed all of the strep infections I was getting and tested me for mono. turns out i have recurring mono and one of the symptoms is a severe skin rash, but at least  you can have your dr prescribe this RX in the meanwhile until you figure out whats wrong.
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Im actually already taking 4 of those a day.. haha and they aren't working at all. I have had a few strept throat infections but that was a year ago or so. But definitly wouldn't hurt to get that tested. Is that the only thing that caused your hives? and thanks alot for trying to help!
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