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Horrible Sinus Pressure, Pain, Dizziness, Vision Problems

Hi Everyone. This is my first post. I started having problems about 5 years ago. It was occasional problems such as mild sinus pain/pressure and headache with mild eye strain. Each year it has gotten worse. Over the course of the past 5 years I have seen multiple doctors across different specialites: Ears, Nose & Throat, Neurologist, Allergist, and my Intern. I have had MRI's and CT scans. This year has been the worst so far. I have already gotten 2 sinus infections. In February of this year I got a CT scan and the ENT doctor said I have a severe deviated septum with chronic sinusitis. I was treated for a sinus infection and that was it. I still felt bad so I went to a neurologist. He wrote it off as a vestibular problem. I did vestibular therapy for 2 months with almost no relief. In May when allergy season started, everything got worse. I have had nonstop sinus pressure/pain, headache, dizziness, major eye strain, my face is sore, my teeth are sore. At the beginning of July I went to an allergist. He said I was allergic to 3 types of trees, 4 grasses, dust, molds and very mild allergy to cats. He put me on Rhinocort. NO results. Then I went back to him after already dumping over $200 in co-pays and medication and he said I have a sinus infection. I just finished the antibiotics and I still feel the same as I did when I first went to him in July. He had me on amoxicillin plus Astelin. I have tried Nasacort, Zyrtec, Claritin, Alavert, etc.... no relief. I am a computer programmer and I can't function like this anymore. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.
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Hi I've had this problem for a few years too. It has been really bad recently with acne, dry skin and eyes to top it off. I also noticed my breath wasn't staying fresh. Well I've had a good look in my mouth thinking the smell could be tonsil stones. Only to discover my very back wisdom tooth on both sides which  has never fully grown through so mostly covered by gum/ skin flap. Well they are black and rotten looking just the back wisdoms. I also have swollen glands. Hopefully it's an infection and rotten wisdoms that are causing all the issues. Im disgusted not to notice my teeth earlier I've no cavities or other dental issues. Fingers crossed this might be the problem. Has anyone else suffering not quite got their wisdom through or blackening of just the wisdoms. My vision has also deteriorated on this latest episode but that could just be the pressure for the sinuses.
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Did you ever get this resolved?
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I am no medical expert, but I am an expert on my sinuses (I think so anyway) In my opinion deviated septums and sinuses are greatly overlooked by the medical profession to the detriment of patients. I have had eye problems, chest infections, countless sinus infections and gastric problems, which have resulted in surgery. A few things I have discovered by accident are making your own nasal "sniff". Half tsp salt, half tsp baking soda(the stuff you cook with, not the cleaning one!) Half pint of water previously boiled then cooled. Then pour some into the cup of one hand and sniff into each nostril. Keep your nasal passages moist and drink lots of water. Cut out caffeine. Take some good quality probiotics. I live in UK so had to order mine from US. Also check any prescription meds, many of them have nasal congestion as side effect. I hope this is of some help to you.
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I had posted a comment quite some time ago about my sinus issues.  Once I toned down my anxiety, I realized that the symptoms were always worse when a high or low pressure system occurred.  My anxiety made my symptoms 10 times worse.  The only things that helped me were to use a neti-pot, saline spray and ibuprophen.  I kind of gave up on the doctor visits as they just kept prescribing antihistamines which did not help. I always have the full feeling in my sinus' due to allergies and the post nasal drip, but once I realized the timing of my "attacks" with the weather, my anxiety lessened and so did the symptoms.  I don't know if my info will help you, but try to pinpoint what is going on when the symptoms are at their worst and try not to get anxious about them.  I know how hard that is to do, but it really does help.
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These are dated 2007-2011 have people found any cures in all the years of people putting up their symptoms, I have been suffering for 2 years but lately my cheekbones get painful with a really weird sensation, my ears hurt, I get so dizzy it really scares me, I habe bad headaches, ear aches, have tried all medication never lasts long symptoms always come back it seems I always have nasal drip, and just feel crappy and awful all the time, I've 2 kids that I'm afraid to go to far with because of my dizziness and anxiety from all these symptoms. Would love a cure for this for all of us
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I use the electric sinus irrigation machine on Amazon.  It has been a lifesaver.  There are different brands.  I think one is sinupulse.  Also make sure you daily use a nasal spray such as Flonase to shrink your polyps.  Also I take 1/2 Benedryl or allergy medicine at night.  I used to have nonstop sinus infections but it has been well controlled with these items.
I'm dealing the the same thing I just had sinus surgery. Ive gotten a infection tubes in my ears with in a month post surgery. I've been deal.qith them same symptoms for 1 year. With everything that I have gotten done no relief hang in there.
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Just a suggestion, but this could be a form of migraine. I sometimes get wavy lines in my peripheral vision and have to lay down and close my eyes for several minutes so it goes away. When I explained this to my eye doctor. he said it was a form of migraine (without the pain).
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Migrane Associated Vertigo
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