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Horrible Sinus Pressure, Pain, Dizziness, Vision Problems

Hi Everyone. This is my first post. I started having problems about 5 years ago. It was occasional problems such as mild sinus pain/pressure and headache with mild eye strain. Each year it has gotten worse. Over the course of the past 5 years I have seen multiple doctors across different specialites: Ears, Nose & Throat, Neurologist, Allergist, and my Intern. I have had MRI's and CT scans. This year has been the worst so far. I have already gotten 2 sinus infections. In February of this year I got a CT scan and the ENT doctor said I have a severe deviated septum with chronic sinusitis. I was treated for a sinus infection and that was it. I still felt bad so I went to a neurologist. He wrote it off as a vestibular problem. I did vestibular therapy for 2 months with almost no relief. In May when allergy season started, everything got worse. I have had nonstop sinus pressure/pain, headache, dizziness, major eye strain, my face is sore, my teeth are sore. At the beginning of July I went to an allergist. He said I was allergic to 3 types of trees, 4 grasses, dust, molds and very mild allergy to cats. He put me on Rhinocort. NO results. Then I went back to him after already dumping over $200 in co-pays and medication and he said I have a sinus infection. I just finished the antibiotics and I still feel the same as I did when I first went to him in July. He had me on amoxicillin plus Astelin. I have tried Nasacort, Zyrtec, Claritin, Alavert, etc.... no relief. I am a computer programmer and I can't function like this anymore. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.
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The first thing my doctor did was  told me to eating stop salt and go on a healthy organic diet and his nutrionist  told me to read Gut and Psychology book . So it could be a food allergy all the symptoms you listed can be caused by wheat dairy sugar. I'm allergic to wheat,  wheat.gluten is horrible for you it can cause pretty serious reactions ....just get on the GAP or the SCD diet  for a about few month the nutritionist told me to stay on it for one year just to be sure it is pretty easy diet. Also you might have the new illness,EMS electo magnetic sensitivities you symptoms could also be related to this so with advancedment technology come EMS stay away from microwaves, lab tops, cell phones and smart meters .  Could it be hidden mold issues?
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My heart goes out to you  Greg, I truly sympathize with you. Just know there is light ahead!   I saw over 50 doctors 4 ENTs 4 dentist, 2 rheumatologist ,2 lung specialist I had exploratory surgery ophthalmologist, colonscopy endoscopy, allergist,  immunologist and  infectious disease and I had five lyme tests all tests were negative, I had on-going IV's it was insane ...A ND - naturopathic doctor found I had SIBO  I went on the Gaps diet and felt better, but I was still dizziness, general malaise  flu like feeling and pressure in my head . This was a time  when I  just wanted to turn out the light and never wake up. I prayed a lot it took 16 months, and finally found a truly caring and  amazing doctor. My Integrative doctor actually figured out the cause of my problem which was mold and then he attended  a  conference regarding my mold poisoning he helped me so much!  NEVER ever give up ...there are Naturopathic doctors and Chinese medicine doctors  and   MD'S that can help I prefer  integrative medical doctors because they seem way more thoughtful in their approach and much more broader scope of information to reach to in order to help others.  A while back when I was in my twenties my MD  thought I had a stoke because one  of my eyes was suddenly drooping . Then came many tests and full body MRI, etc... . The medical university here is  filled with many world experts but none could  help me!  A week later I was getting a  massage with a student that was studying Chinese Medicine. Soon as I told her my story she set up and appointment for me to see her  Chinese Medicine professor, after seeing him and taking few cups of herbs, He cured me in 24 Hours my eyes were normal ! I was so blown away and have carried that remarkable experience with me. So I know for all of the people on this forum there is always a cure  all it takes is the right doctor and beginning to look at every single thing in your life might help you track down the cause  
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Possible causes for  dizziness get checked for sinus infections,  dental infections  and hidden dental infections, ear infection,  grinding your teeth at night may cause dizziness  get a night guard this may stop dizziness, Food allergies are serious they cause dizziness even death consider   stopping all gluten,   all dairy  sugar , caffeine and all grains stop them all and  see how you feel. Stop your vitamins you might be allergic to stuff your take everyday.   Also dizziness may be caused by diabetes,  environment ( hidden molds in cars, house or work) get a mold mycotoxins test, radon, EMS  electromagnetic sensitivity cell phones, cell phone tower smart phones, lab tops microwaves  and smart meters .  Get  thyroid checked. Also get the saliva test for  cortisol levels, and hormones  which is able to isolate highs and lows thorough out the day these  fluctuations  may cause dizziness , Get the adrenal glands checked and  iron levels , and B-12 levels checked.   Viruses can cause dizziness.  Consider a couple months of  Vitamin C IV's see if you don't feel better.
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For dizziness my ND ran a  Candida check. The sinus issue may stopped in it tracks by just  stopping ALL dairy right away , milk cheese cream for two months at least to see how you feel but you should start seeing some improvements within a couple weeks, she also gave me super good quality collodial silver nose spray with a drop of peppermint wow that helped along with salt. baking soda in neti pot.  Also dizziness may be caused by diabetes, vitamins, enviroment and food  allergies,  thyroid and Cortisol levels, and teeth infections, inflamed sinuses.  
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The good doctor is wrong , inflamed sinuses put pressure on the ear nerve, causing dizziness,  nausea,  and also pressure on the  optic nerve, causing blurred vision, bulging or pressured eyes,  and nerve pressure may even cause slurred speech. Just know doctor have some ideas of some of the symtoms but NOT all of the symptoms everyone is different in sensitivity
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The good doctor is wrong inflamed sinuses put pressure on the ear nerve, causing dizziness nausea,  and the  optic nerve, causing blurred vision, bulging or pressured eyes,  and nerve pressure may even cause slurred speech. Just know doctor have some ideas of some of the symtoms but NOT all of the symptoms everyone is different in sensitivity
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