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sinus and terrible draingage

Hello everyone I am new to this site. So I hope I can get some good feed back. Seem like the doctors are drawing at straws. This has been going on for about 5 months now. I have always had allergies. Been to 2 ENT drs. both said acid reflex so I went to a gastro dr. and he did upper endscopy and found I  don't have acid reflex at all. So back to the drawing board. Then my allergy dr. put me on a round of Biaxin that did not faze the problem with the heavy post nasal drip I am having. So now I am on for 24 days predisone. But in the mean time he wanted me to have another CT. Scan I did do one in march and it showed nothing. So yesterday I go had another one done at a different medical place and bingo they found fluid in my sinus's.And my allergy dr. said he is stumped to why I can't seem to shake this. But I am so so tired of all this mess. And I have lost weight becuase at times when I start eating that darn post nasal drip starts and it just makes me sick. Plus I have been running a low grade fever too. So if anybody out there is suffering like me would love to hear from you. Thanks for listening.
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hello, so i take it you do not have a sinus infection, do they have any clue as to what it could be. I  have had chronic sinusitis for 3 yrs now. wver since my son was born, i also got asthma from it, and pneumonia in the beginning. I have been to 4 ent's, on my 3rd allergist, and had 1 surgery to clear my sinuses. However my cat scans show lots of pus. I feel like I am dying. I am also on 3 shots a week.  I have been through every test known to man it seems, an to no findings, except I have chronic sinusitis. i don't even takes meds anymore, I just keep flushing, and steaming every chance i get. Hope all is well, if you need any help, the steaming really does feel good when you have stuffed up sinuses. have a great night
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179332 tn?1273247359
Have they done a sinus swab??  
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