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I smell exhaust fumes all the time

I have been smelling exhaust fumes where none exist for about 2 weeks now. I can be in the shower or laying in bed and the smell won't go away, it smells like i'm in an enclosed garage with a gas powered vehicle running. Is this common?, I have never had any allergies.
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Did you ever get any answers for this? Mine just started up again when I started using my allergy spray. However I also have something very stressful going on right now. I am going to discontinue the spray and see if it goes away. I about went nuts last year! Great diet program, as I was so nauseous, I couldn't even eat!
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When we switched over to 2 Dell precision 690s the fumes from them are constantly in the air.  Mine sits under my desk and the exhaust and heat hits my face on a daily basis.  About a week ago, I began experiencing shortness of breath especially when I sat at my computer.  I've never smoked and have allergies to certain foods but never shortness of breath.   Also,  since we got these two big Dells, there's an electrical smell in the air that has permeated my office and our home. After research, I've decided to move the computer further away from me and keep a small fan running and the window open until I can get a new computer because I believe this is the problem.  No problems when away from the home.
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i also smell the same a GASOLINE ENGINE and weird i am the only one smell it and i am also searching for an explanation and cure because its really upsetting and i don't like what I smell I am worried if it can cause a problem to my lungs

i'm just hoping somebody can help..
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Had this same problem, Turned out to GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Started taking Omeprazole and it was gone the next day. Smelled like a 2 cycle engine running in my room. Blocked off the vent and return. Thought it was my TV or laptop. Had an exhaust fan venting out my window in the middle of winter.  
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I'm so glad I looked this up, for about 3 weeks now I've been smelling exhaust fumes.  I live in a dead end so there is hardly any traffic.  I had my brother check the furnace, he changed the filter because I swore it was coming from there but that is not the case.  I used to get sinus infections all the time when I had a dog but I haven't had the dog or a sinus infection for over 6 years now, so I'm baffled.  And no one else can smell it when I do, I think I'm going crazy,
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