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Can you black out from sinus pressure?

I had been congested for about 4 days. I was setting in my hot tub started feeling bad sinus pressure got up out of the hot tub went up the stairs into my house half way across my living room the pain from the pressure was so intense that I ended up on the floor?
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973741 tn?1342342773
I'd say a combination of the hot tub and the sinuses could cause you to do this but it's scary!  Have you ever tried a neti pot?  My husband swears by them for his blocked sinuses.  The steam from the hot tub seems good for trying to unclog the sinuses but I've gotten light headed from being in a hot tub too long and the heat.  Call your doctor if the issue continues (pain and then dizziness or passing out!).  good luck and let me know how it goes!
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