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Can't seem to get rid of this rash....

Think it was a reaction to Bactrim, so the doctor switched me to Cipro. Still didn't get better. Eventually got some prednisone and hydroxyzine to treat it. It definitely helped - but didn't clear it up all the way. Now I have a sinus infection and have been prescribed Cipro again.
If it was the Bactrim in the first place, am I likely to be allergic to Cipro too?

Also curious if seasonal allergies might manifest themselves this way.
I have always suffered with seasonal allergies and usually get a sinus infection at least once a year. It used to settle in my nose and chest, but the last couple of years it affected my ears. Could it have changed to a rash?
Like I said, the prednisone has helped, but the rash seems to creep back up  when I am outside especially when the wind blows and then sort subsides afterwards.

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hi there,
what are on these antibotic meds for?
if i where you should back to your family doctor. or call your docs nurse and talk to her. keep me posted
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

If you are allergic to bactrim, its unlikely you would be allergic to cipro as they belong to different class of antibiotics. Environmental allergens like changes in weather and temperature are difficult to avoid, but being aware can help you to take adequate precautions.
There are tubes called 'Eustachian tubes' which connect the middle ear to the throat, this balances the air pressure in the ears. This tube can get blocked due to infections of the throat, which can give lead to a feeling of fullness in the ears. This can also result in infection of the ears. The blocked ears can be opened up by the valsalva maneuver, where air is blown into the cheeks against a closed nostrils, this sometimes helps to open up the tubes. Steam inhalations can help clear the tube.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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