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DONT GO TO ANYMORE DOCTORS OR WASTE YOUR MONEY OR TIME JUST READ THIS.....there is a solution to your problem and you dont have to suffer anymore, the solution is you must keep your arms out of the sunlight,this itch is caused by the sun,if you think about it, the tops of your arms have probably had the most sun exposure in your whole life and the sun is only getting stronger,i have been up many a night icing my arms and itching them like crazy until i realized this has to do with the sun and the only way i have found to eliminate the itch entirely is to keep my arms covered or any way i can to avoid sunlight hitting my arms,when i make sure and avoid the sun, there is absolutely no itch but if i forget then the itch comes back just like that.this is why people have problems at the end of the summer because they have been exposed all summer long and its finaslly catching up to them,yes if you work outside etc etc then this solution will be hard but for me its easy,i can either go out in the sun and not worry about it then spend all night itching or i can understand whats goin to happen and prevent it,hope this works for you and ends your suffering,
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Yes I suffered from intense upper arm itching that I wanted to just saw my arms off.  The absolute best advice I received from one of the dermatologists I saw was to get SUNSCREEN WITH ZINC OXIDE.  All the other ingredients won't help. I have had absolutely no itching for years now. Other derms gave me pills that made me pass out or Benadryl that put me to sleep and didnt work well either. The sunscreen really was a miracle cure for me!
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I am from TN but have moved to FL and I started itching on one arm last year and now it's on both arms. It is driving me crazy, I have tried everything I'm going today to get the milk thistle and hope it works and I'm also going to keep my arms out of the sun, at this point I'm willing to try anything. I need sleep I'm up all night itching.
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I've been itching since I was 18. I am now 54. The last 10 years have been the worse and yes, more so at night time. I also get up 2 times a night getting ice packs from the freezer to numb the pain. The Dermatologist put me on Doxpin and a cream called Clobetasol Propionate. I also take Benadryl. Nothing works. I have other medical issues, but this one drives me crazy. I really don't know how I function at work. There have been times I wonder if I could apply and get disability due to this horrific disease.  There is no cure. Can't imagine being 75 scratching skin that will get paper thin as I grow older. I will try the milk thistle, but I am not holding my breath, but thanks for bringing this to all other sufferers. If this helps a few out there, that is a few less who have to suffer. Thanks for letting me vent!
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I am from TN but have moved to FL and I started itching on one arm last year and now it's on both arms. It is driving me crazy, I have tried everything I'm going today to get the milk thistle and hope it works and I'm also going to keep my arms out of the sun, at this point I'm willing to try anything. I need sleep I'm up all night itching.
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If you're still suffering from the arm itch torture put sunscreen with zinc oxide in it. That was my miracle! It was semi hard to find I thought but is most common in baby or children's sunscreens. The other ingredients don't help but it must have zinc oxide.
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I meant "bi-carbonate soda"
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I get some relief from the itchy arms described by so many here - bi-carbate soda - baking soda. After a shower - rub my arms with it before applying moisturiser - this usually allows me to sleep uninterrupted -- but not always.
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I get some relief from the itchy arms described by so many here - bi-carbate soda - baking soda. After a shower - rub my arms with it before applying moisturiser - this usually allows me to sleep uninterrupted -- but not always.
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The cause is, the nerves that came out of your neck been pinch
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I cannot believe I have found a community of people with this problem.  I have had this issue for 15+yrs and GP sent me to dermatogist who told me to cut my fingernails and use olive oil soap....nails stopped me from scratching but not the itch and the soap is awful so...back to cyling thru ice pack after ice pack until I am so numb and cold that becomes the issue but the itch is stopped for a bit.  Haven't paid attention to the time of year but do find it is worse at  night and has woken me up.  Recently the comidtion of my upper arm is so embarrassing that I have stopped going to the YMCA for water aerobics.  Don't want anyone to see these arms that look like bites all over me. :(
Glad to have found out I am not crazy and this is not uncommon.  Why can't the docs figure it out?
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  Thank you for this useful information!! I have had this problem off and on at different times of the year. This has gone on for several years and is enough to drive a sane person nuts!  I am wondering if any of you had childhood allergies and suffer from ringing in your ears. I suffer from the ringing in the ears but have learned to deal with it although I know when a storm front is coming in! Hmm maybe this is a career idea if I was younger!  lol   I had so many different allergies when I was young that mom always said that it was easier to name the things I wasn't allergic to...bummer.
   I cant wait to try the Milk Thistle and hope it works.  I can't imagine what it would be like not to pace the floor and want to cry because of this itching!  Thank you again for sharing your information
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Milk thistle helps me too but I take WAY more than 400 mg a day...sometimes I take 5,000+ per day...I am happy that I found something to help ease the itch but I sure wish I could figure out the CAUSE!
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I take antihistermine tablets, this helps me stop itching, i thought i was the only person in the world that had this problem!!!!!!
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I posted this already but I wanted to reproduce it here.I don;t doubt that for some sun exposure is the culprit, but I always experienced this worse in the winter months, when I was definitely not in the sun.

I was suffering just like you for years. From about age 42 to 47. Since November 2009 I have been taking Milk Thistle every day and I only occasionally itch. No more scabby arms!! No more wishing I could just sandpaper the skin off my arms and be done with it!!

I came across the idea for Milk Thistle in my reading that associated nerve itching with liver function. However I don't care how or why it works, just that Praise the Lord I hardly ever think about itchy arms and it used to be such a constant stress.

I take Milk Thistle extract, 200 mg each tab, 2 tabs a day. It says it is standardized to have 160 mg of Silymarin.

Also occasionally I need to use Capsaicin cream, which uses cayenne pepper extract to "use up" the nerve receptors so the itch is masked. Sounds like it would burn and occasionally it does a little, but that's better than THE ITCH.

Both remedies are natural, too. No side effects. Thanks be to God.

Here is wishing you healing and rest.
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Taking a B VITAMIN complex has COMPLETELY CURED my itchy arm syndrome. I experienced instant relief.
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omg. i thought i was the only one with this problem. thank goodeness for the internet. i will def. try keeping my arms out of the sun. nothing else seems to work and i am willing to try just about anything. i put ice packs on my arms and that is the only thing that has ever worked.  i have noticed my arms do start itching on the way home from work while the have not bothered me all day inside. we will see....thanks.
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I have been suffering from itchy arms for about 10 years now. I am actually up right now in the middle of the night with ice on both arms. It is awful and defintely wakes me up. If this is related to the sun, how do you avoid the sun on your arms. I play tennis at least once a week and am a big sweater, so covering my arms would not work. Does anyone know if using sunscreen will help or does your arm have to be covered up?
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