463897 tn?1468013750

Introducing a new Community Leader


Please join me in welcoming bsmsl as your new Community Leader for the Allergy Community.   bsmsl has helped many people on the community, and we look forward to her working to help your Community continue to improve and grow.

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Hello everyone,

I thought I would introduce myself to you.  :-)

I have had mild allergies all my life.  I was diagnosed with a dog allergy at a very young age, so young I don't remember it.  I do remember having an outside dog which I believe we got rid of because of my allergy when I was about 4.

I moved to Oklahoma, USA for college and stayed here.  Over my years here, I gradually developed pollen allergies.  For a long time I didn't realize how bad they were.  My nose was always stuffy.  I never really felt good, but didn't realize it.  I had frequent sinus infections and bronchitis.  I didn't realize that my sense of smell was severely compromised by my stuffy nose.

In 2008 my asthma flared to the point that I was getting faint in public.  While trying to get that under control, we of course targetted treating allergies.  As my allergies were treated, my sinuses cleared and I could smell things again.  Then I realized that just about every odor was triggering my asthma.  That is another story though.

Personally, I feel that the best way to handle a challenge life presents is to read as much as you can and ask a lot of questions.  

Over the last three years, I have made many life style changes.  The best way to treat allergies is to avoid exposure to the allergen in the first place.  HAHA.... That can be quite difficult at times if you want any kind of a social life.  I rarely spend time outdoors as I have a pollen allergen in every month.  There are seasons when just walking from my car to a store or being near someone who has been outside will trigger my allergies.  

I have a treadmill for walking set to view our backyard which my husband has turned into an oasis.  It really is a beatiful view year round.  We also obtained a Wii Fit for variety.

I look forward to sharing more of my story and helping in any way I can.

Take care and God bless.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Thanks for sharing your story with us!  wow, you've been thru a lot!
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