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Irritated Lungs


I was wondering if anyone could explain my problem. I moved to Wellington New Zealand in October and a couple of weeks later I developed a lung irritation, post nasal drip and productive-with-phlegm cough. I went to the doctor with these symptoms and chest pain etc. Antibiotics did not work so i was prescribed som ventolin for my cough attacks and strong anti-histamines as Wellington is known for it's high pollen count. These did not really help.

I went to sea for 5 days over the new year my symptoms completely cleared. I'm presuming the irritant is either in wellington or in work. I came into work this morning and instantly felt irritated at the back of my throat. I do not suffer with any othere symptoms.

No Ichiness
No Teary eyes

Just a irritated cough with phlegm andpost nasel drip and nasal mucas...

Please help me...I'm desperate to sort it out!!
2 Responses
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636562 tn?1223667445
I would suggest having an allergy test (skin-*****) test done to determine if it's allergy-related (particularly pollen, dust, and mold).  But you mentioned that anti-histamines didn't help so that may not be the problem.

My other thought is that it could be caused by a fungus, not necessarily a mold-allergy, but just irritation from the mold or fungus.  Is there a lot of industrial pollution in the area? It could be air pollutants that your body isn't used to.
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351246 tn?1379682132

Thanks for writing to the forum!
Have you changed the type of work too? What do you do? Certain occupations are linked to allergies due to dust, pollen, fungus, molds (as in Air conditioners), zinc, asbestos, lead, tin etc. An allergy panel should be done for this. It appears that warm and humid atmosphere suits you. Warm and dry or cold and dry climate harms you. Maybe you should try steam inhalation twice a day until your system gets acclimatized to the new weather.

Hope this helps. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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