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Is Allergies the cause of my misery?

I have been an allergy sufferer since I was a kid. My allergies had been dormant for several years until this year. In the beginning my sinuses were draining and I was ok just dealing with the annoyance of a constant stuffy nose, and sneezing. Eventually I was only waking up with mild congestion which would clear up once I sneezed several times in the morning but then my nose and sinuses would be really dry. One day I had severe eye pain in my left eye. I took Advil which helped but I also went to Urgent care and was told that it was a migraine. On Easter Sunday, I woke up with blurred vision in my left eye only which scared the bejeebers out of me (I was ok with glasses on). I finally called my eye doctor because he has emergency hours and because he wasn't close to his office, he only called in a prescription for lotemax. I rushed in to see him the next day and after checking my eye pressure and looking into both my eyes he said I had severe allergies which were affecting my eyes and suggested I also take a decongestant. I use the lotemax quite often but today again, I have pain in my left eye and it's also a little teary. I just saw my regular doctor on Thursday and told me to continue to use the flonase which does NOTHING for me with regards to decongesting. He refuses to give me Allegra D or any of those prescription decongestants because I also suffer from anxiety and he says that would make me more jittery. These days I again feel very dry in my nose and my sinuses but if I push on my forehead it hurts. Is this eye pain and the headaches I also get all allergy related because my sinuses don't drain? I dont remember my allergies being this troublesome but I hate this "don't feel like I'm all there" feeling.  I do have a neuro appointment on June 10 but what do I do about this  annoyance in the meantime?  Can someone relate?
4 Responses
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Hi Dear,
I can understand the pain u must be having from all these types of medical allergies as one of my friend was also suffering for same types of allergies. He also joined some yoga health clubs.

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I have visited a number of sites which can be beneficial like
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You could be having an allergic reaction to some substance .

What other symptoms are you having? Let us also know if you have any past history of any allergic reaction or any family history of allergies, etc.

You should try steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and wash your eyes frequently.  

You could take oral antihistamine medications for a few days and see if it helps with your symptoms.

If the symptoms still persist talk to your doctor about it and see what needs to be done after a proper clinical examination.

Talk to your about a course of steroid short course oral treatment and whether it would help in your case.

Let us know if you have any other doubts or queries.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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506858 tn?1210694232
This season has been very bad for pollen allergies. I can realate, though. When my sinuses are very bad, I get almost exactly the symptoms you describe: eye pain and pain in the forehead (especially when I put pressure on it). My doctor told me to take Mucinex to help clear the mucus out of the sinuses. It tastes terrible (I call it "pool cleaner") and is kind of pricey, but kit works pretty well, at least for a while.

There are also ways you can avoid pollen. Try staying inside with the A/C on if you can. It should block out most of the pollen. Check out http://blog.allergybegone.com/2008/04/8-simple-things-you-can-do-to-decrease.html for more tips.

Joseph Z.
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