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Is it possible to develop an adult onset allergy to cow's milk?

Over the last few years, I have noticed that I get migraine headaches and nausea quite often. This seems to happen when I regularly eat dairy products made from cow's milk. My doctor has not found any instance of tumors, so I am pretty sure that's not the problem. I have started eating more soy-based products, and it seems to help. I have not been diagnosed with any particular allergy just yet. Is it possible Is it possible to develop an adult onset allergy to cow's milk?
2 Responses
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1168110 tn?1272682317
Yes Yes and Yes.
I developed an allergy to dairy - literally overnight.  One day I could eat my favorite...Poutine with extra extra extra cheese !!!  The next day NO
It started with bloating, intense cramping, and bad diarhea.  It was devastating.  
I cant say that I get Migraines, but nausea yeah.  
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681148 tn?1437661591
Absolutely.  Any allergy can occur suddenly at any age.
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