1280354 tn?1272581901

Is something burning?

I have been smelling something burning for about 2 weeks now.  My partner and friends think i'm crazy. Could this be a sinus infection?
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1307474 tn?1273338485
hi i've been like that for years, but i smell garbage.  It is the sinus, it could last three m onths, it is the start of not feel good for a while.  keep sinus moist get some nasonex from your dr. , it get's worst you gag from the flem, you nit throw up in the morning , and lots of headackes. good luck i've been like this for 10 years spring and fall, could also so the sinus rince, or the sinus teapot. no dr. have been able to help me it's hell it's called rhynitis
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It could be a sinus infection but i doubt it...
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try eating bland food for awhile and drink plenty of water to flush your systems - rice, unsauced pasta, boiled red potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, chicken, fish -  The Amish don't mix foods in casseroles always, they believe in eating meat, potatoes, and 1 vegetable at a meal
as we sometimes create mixtures and gases by what we eat.
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