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Is this really JUST allergies?? help please!

I have been suffering from a constant dizziness, brain fog/spaceyness, head/face fullness sensation for the past 3 months with no relief from anything!    I'm now tapering off a steroid pack which did nothing except make me crazy....I've been on different meds like meclizine, claritin d, mucinex d, nasal sprays - nothing has helped.   I was also on antibiotics when these symptoms first started.   If the cause is allergies, wouldn't the steriods have helped?

I was recently tested for allergies and come to find out I'm allergic to everything you can be allergic to (except foods).  ENT says these symptoms can be from allergies but honestly I don't believe her (no sneezing, mucus, stuffiness or anything like that) AND I have 3 cats and I'm apparently allergic to them, yet I've had these guys for years with no problems.   I should also mention that on a MRI & CT Sinus scan, a polyp was found in my spheniod sinus.  Now i asked her and another doc about this and they didn't seem too concerned but based from what I've read most of these polyps need to be surgically removed,  could this be the main culprit?

I've been to plenty of different docs during this time and they're all telling me different things but nobody can really tell me whats going on !   I'm even going to a dentist next week to see if this could be TMJ, and a neuro who thinks it could be migraine associated vertigo.   But I just don't know where to start!!  

Has anyone with allergies had these symptoms and found relief??
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563773 tn?1374246539

All these symptoms can be related to the nasal polyp because nasal polyps and deviated nasal septum are a source of  recurrent sinusitis.I think that you should take a second opinion from another ENT surgeon regarding this.

But other possibilities are diabetes,inner ear diseases like labrynthitis and Meniere’s disease, anemia,infections,endocrine disorders like thyroid, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland disorders,anxiety and panic attacks,some medications,Cervical spondolysis,vertebrobasilar insufficiency and carotid sinus syndrome and neurological causes.It is important to rule out all of them.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries.

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it could be a combination of several problems. It could be polyps, allergies, and candida, etc.

I have pollen, mold allergies. After I had my daughter  we both got thrush. My daughter would wake crying, nurse 2 min, fall asleep 15-30 min, cry, nurse, repeat. My roomate suggested I try a "candida diet" and in desperation I did and my daughter went back to the mellow never crying, sleep normal baby. that was 7 yrs ago.  
There is cheap and few side effects medications for Candida - see if you main dr will prescribe them - diflucan is a tablet - it knocks it down when I have a flare up. Nystatin is the liquid I take daily to keep it in check. I found Singulair helps both my allergic congestion and my "candida".  
I dont know if I really have candida but  the treatment works, so my dr and I deal with it as if I did.
the diet is No wheat, No sugar, lo carb, - to be more strict you eliminate preservatives, fermented, yeast, alcohol, caffiene.  
It cleared my total brain fog (cant remember why I opened the frig, why I went to living room),  exhaustion, huge stinky gas, stomach aches, muscle aches, shadows under eyes, lessened congestion.
I have since been tested and dont have ANY food allergies - but I eat fetticini alfredo (wheat + parmesan) or chocolate cake (sugar + wheat + chocolate) and by the next day I am exhausted and forgetful.
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