1528052 tn?1291763940

Itchy Bumps

For the last 4 months I've been getting itchy bumps all over my upper torso; My back, neck, arms, shoulders, stomach, and right near my pubic area.There are rare occasions that I don't get the rash, but when I do it's right after P.e or after I've taken a shower/bath. I have changed my laundry detergent and am now using Arm and Hammer (for sensitive skin). I've stopped using my regular body soap and I use Dove liquid soap. When I start to get the rash I take a benedryl, but it only makes me sleepy. I've tried to change everything that could be causing the rash, but none of it works. The bumps are small, and go in between red to pink to my skin tone. They almost look like welts, they get VERY close together, and almost become one large bump. I really would like an answer and I think that I may have to go to the doctor, but due to personal problems, the doctors is going to my very last resort.
Any sort of answers are welcome, I'm very desperate
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563773 tn?1374246539
Such type of itchy skin rashes can be due to hives or urticaria. Urticaria is usually triggered by allergens, such as drugs, foods, insect bites, inhaled substances, in response to sunlight, cold, heat, stress, exercise, or a viral infection.

Use a mild cleanser with moisturizing properties like Cetaphil. Also use cotton clothes and change the clothes twice if there is any increased sweating. Try keeping the skin free of sweat as far as possible. If the symptoms still persist then you can apply mild steroid like dermacort. For the itching antihistaminics like Benadryl or Claritin can be taken. Applying calamine lotion also helps in soothing the skin.

If the symptoms persist then get an evaluation done by a dermatologist.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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I have a one stand unproted sex last yr,,, I've had blod test fir hiv 1/2 for 1 month, 3 months, 5 months, 6 months, and 6 months 9 days they are all non reactive, my question do I have tovtest again? Coz I have this itchy liquid red bumps around my hips and im worried and stree about it,,, I also exposed in the sun and I have acid reflux last year
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