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Itchy Skin!! Very painful

I have posted before about my problem! I have moved into a new house about 6 months ago. I noticed after I moved in I had red, itchy bumps on my hands, stomach and thighs. I went to the DR and he told me that it is because of my sweat! Well I have never had this problem before! I believe it can be something in the house or the water. Our water has a lot of lime rocks (yes rocks) b/c we live near the river. I was wondering if maybe that has something to do with it. Or maybe mold? The Dr gave me some cream and it relieves the itching for a couple of hours. I have noticed the my finace is starting to itch also. But his is mainly on his back, his looks like burns almost, he works with the Dept. of Foresty and I though maybe he got to close to a fire. he says thats not the case. I have checked into scabies, I am almost positive that it is not that! I have even tried the sulfer. NO help. My fiance is going to a dermatligist this Thursday. It is embarrssing my hand have gotten so bad that they peel and crack! I keep lotion on then 24/7,I also hurts to move them sometimes. Hear latley its is amost impossabile to sleep from the itching. I am not sure what it could be! i have research as much as I think I can. I dont have insurance so.... i am trying to find out as much a possible before i go to the DR. I guess I just have to wait out for another opioin from a diffrent Dr. Any help, please!!!!! I also forgot to mention that if you look closly at my hands! It looks like little water filled bumps! I have popped several bumps, most come out clear and once or twiced a yellowish color. I am so scared!! i am aready self-consisios about my body and now i am worse. Please any help!!!!
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I too, have had these symptoms.  I have had this happen only a couple of times but it has been painful and scary enough that I went to the emergency room to find out what it was (I also don't have any medical insurance).  They told me it was an allergic reaction.  Both times it the blisters appeared after I had woke up and noticed asian ladybugs crawling on the bedsheets.  The areas always turn very red and are filled with puss.  These symptoms have lasted for weeks.  Since the last flare up a few years ago, I have attempted successfully to steer clear of these bugs and take every precaution to keep them out of my house.  I have had no flare up since.  I would look into this as a possibility for you.
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When an irritant comes into contact with your body, your immune system sends chemicals, including histamine, to fight it. The sudden spike in histamine levels can cause an outbreak of hives in the upper layers of the skin. Hives are often caused by a hypersensitivity to pollens and plants (nettles, poison ivy, poison oak, and so on).
Cholinergic or heat urticaria is a form of chronic hives that is caused by an increase in body temperature. Hives are caused by any increase in body temperature, such as hot showers, exercise, spicy foods, or being under too many covers in bed at night. Strong emotions may also cause hives to occur in people with cholinergic urticaria.
It is not completely known why cholinergic urticaria occurs, although some of these people appear to have an allergy to their own sweat. This is determined by performing skin testing to a person’s own sweat.
The best treatment for cholinergic urticaria is antihistamines. While any antihistamine is likely to be helpful, older antihistamines, such as hydroxyzine, seem to work especially well.
Severe cases of cholinergic urticaria have been successfully treated with danazol.
You might want  to discuss this with your doctor.
Also don't pop any bups. You could introduce a secondary bacterial infection which could complicate matters.

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i also have these itching blisters in my left hand only and it started on my pinky finger now it is spreading to my ring finger. just about the time i think i have it under control it starts all over again. yes it is embarrassing. i went to my physician and he said it looked like an allergy. i have also lived in this house almost 4 years. what im wondering is have all of you had chicken pox and do any of you live in oklahoma?
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Asian Ladybugs Are a Growing Indoor Allergen
Takuya Nakazawa, MD, Asthma and Allergy Center, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, and colleagues also conducted a study that showed the compatibility between Asian ladybug and cockroach allergies and that Asian ladybugs have become a new indoor allergen.
The 12 participants of the study experienced symptoms including cough, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and acute asthma. After they were exposed to Asian ladybugs, a skin ***** test was administered. All had positive results proving Asian ladybugs are a possible indoor allergen.

The study also revealed there is a possibility of cross reactivity with cockroach allergens.

Source: AAAAI News Release

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I have some symptoms, which I'm trying to diagnose.

After reading this thread, I'm wondering about those pesky little Asian Lady Beetles (not Lady Bugs, but close), which seem to be all over the last few years. I know my house siding is full of carcasses. ?? And, I've read of allergy related to same.
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I am experiencing the exact same symptoms as you, only I have lived in my house for 4 years.  No new furniture, carpet, etc. to blame here.  My symptoms started about 2 weeks ago out of the blue.  I was recently diagnosed with a squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancer) which took me 16 months to get diagnosed, & I thought maybe it has something to do with that, but very doubtful since the cancer is on my lower shin area.  My hands are the worst, they itch severely and have bumps and scabs all over them from my scratching.  I cannot seem to stop the scratching & it keeps me awake almost all night long.  Other parts of my body itch too (arms, thighs, ankles), not quite as bad as my hands though.  I can just be sitting here and an whole new crop of blisters just appear right before my eyes.  When I scratch, they pop, but they aren't thin blisters, I have to scratch pretty hard before they pop.  They are clear, fluid-filled only and are usually in small patches & occassionally a single bump/blister by itself.

I see a surgeon tomorrow about my cancer & I will show it to him & see what he thinks & will get back to you.  I suspect it could be nerves on my part - yours too since moving is stressful.

All I know is that I want to know what is wrong with me because it's painful, embarrassing & time consuming to scratch constantly!!!
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Finally, I found someone who is experiencing the same as we do.  We, as in my husband and kids.  We, too, moved in to our new home about 6 months ago and are experiencing the very same out break you have described in your posting.  We have not seeked medical advise, for we do not have medical insurance eighter.  If you would let me know how you are doing with your out break and if it has gotten better.  The itching is unbareable.  And yes, you are right my hands are an embarrasement.  Please let me know how you have dealt with this problem and any advice would help.


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97615 tn?1212678589
not positive but cant eczema present w/ weeping of the skin??
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There is obviously something in the house that is irritating you both. This is not unheard of. It could be water related, paint related, mold, or some other kind of toxin. It seems unlikely that it would be some sort of pest infestation. There may be someone from the local healt dept. that will come and evaluate your house for toxins. This will probably not cost you anything, and may tell you the source of your struggle.
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