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Itchy Swollen Hands

The past few years I have had this problem after I touch metal shopping carts or even the metal water faucet at a horse barn ( I'm guessing it has to be that). My hands itch extremely bad and begin to swell instantly and the swelling spreads up my arm. The past few times it has happened the severity is higher and the episodes last longer. Also it is becoming more frequent. Would this be an allergy or some type of deficiency ?Thank you.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.
It could be an allergic reaction, as repeated episodes have occurred with contact with the same substance. So, therapy lies in avoiding the allergic triggers and anti histamines to help with the symptoms.
Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Thank you! The thing that is weird is that it doesnt happen every time... it is very random sometimes I can touch carts or metal on the doors and be fine then there will be that on random time where it causes an outbreak.
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