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Itchy rash on lips

I've gotten a rash on my lips 3 times in the last 6 months, even though I've never had any problems with skin allergies before. The first two times I assumed it was poison ivy, transferred from my outdoor cats to my hands to my mouth. It's very similar to that type of rash - small, dryish bumps that tingle and itch quite a bit. They're barely visible on my lips and redness isn't evident because of their location. There's a little dryness, itching, and slight redness to the sides of my mouth as well, but no bumps. The rash is only on my mouth this time, while the other two times I had a few bumps on my arms as well. I haven't come in any contact with outdoor cats or poison ivy/oak in ANY capacity this time, so it can't be that. Could it be some sort of cat dander/saliva/urine allergy that only manifests occasionally? I just got a new kitten, but I spent most of the past 6 months living in a house with 4 or more cats and only had the rash twice (about a week each time). I've also had cats for 10 years and never had any allergy issues before. Anyone have any ideas?
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Hey there! Did you by any chance eat nuts any of those times? I've suddenly developed this allergy to nuts, and those are exactly the same symptoms!
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I have the same rash on my lips. I get it when I eat mango.
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I got online to search the exact same symptoms, and as soon as I saw that you said mangos, i knew that was it! both times I have gotten the rash I had been eating Mangos!! im so upset because I love them!
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i defiantely have the same thing and have never had skin issues before.. i am pregnant so im not sure what to do its driving me crazy and i definatley havent had mangos or nuts
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It could be the pollen. or maybe you've been traveling to other places and when you came back home it could messed with your skin. That's what mostlikely happened to me. >.> either that or my boyfriend triggered my allergies with his irish spring soap.
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1404222 tn?1281031774
I have suffered this problem off and on for years.  I've had Dr.'s tell me it's angioedema but I can't seem to find what the cause is :(.  I've been put on prednisone and antihistamines for the inflimation and itching which works great but the syptoms come back eventually.  I am currently on an allergy elimination diet to pinpoint the exact allergen.  With all the forums that I have been on, one thing stricks me odd; it is pretty much all women that have this problem.  Now I wonder if it's a hormonal thing?!
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i've been having this too and i'm pretty sure it's an allergic reaction to something in one of my lip glosses.  i use MAC lip gloss, but not all of them cause it - only certain colors so i'm guessing there's an ingredient used on SOME that i'm allergic to.  i stop using the suspected color but i'm still getting the rash.  i think it's because the lip gloss transferred to my chapstick at some point.  lol!  i'm going to buy a completely new chapstick and stop using that color and see what happens!

that might also explain why only women get it.  ;)
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I've been having this problem, I thought it was a sea food allergy at first cause I got it during an internship at the aquarium. I then put cherry Carmex on weeks later and had this very same problem. I've noticed my reaction occurs when I wear certain color lipsticks or scented lipgloss.
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