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Weird Rash red and pink little dots everywhere

So a few days ago I noticed some little pink and red bumps on my chest area. I got a similar rash from being in the sun too long without sun block but it was only where I burned my skin.

Yesterday I noticed these little bumps started appearing all over me. Some look like red broken blood vessels, others look like pink bumps. I don’t know what it’s from. It’s all over my arms, my legs and my stomach. Not my face…. I thought maybe from using a new soap BUT I haven’t used any new soap. It’s not bed bugs….I have a cat but I’m not allergic to her. I don’t have any food allergies as far as I know. I’m itchy but not uncontrollably itchy. I’m just a little itchy. They rash is all over but tiny enough that you can’t see it unless you come really close to me. I’ve been changing my eating habits but I thought for the better. I started nutrisystem but I don’t eat the same products every day. Maybe there is something in all their foods that has made me break out like this…. Help please!
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You would need to consult a dermatologist so that a confirmed diagnosis and the cause of the lesions can be found out.

Nothing can be said for sure without having a look at the lesions.

Are you allergic to any specific substances? Do you have history of allergic reactions in the past?

You could take some oral antihistamine medications and see if it helps with your symptoms. Apply calamine lotion at the site of the rash. Keep the areas clean and wash them frequently.

Let us know about what your doctor advises and if you have any other doubts.

Keep us posted on how you are doing.

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it could jus b from the change in diet it may not b used to the change so it reacts by making these rashes
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