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Four year old boy with constant stuffy nose

I have a four year old son who has had nasal congestion for just about an entire year.  His tonsils are gigantic and he has very foul smelling breath.  After this started I began to notice some behavior changes in him as well.  He gets upset very easily, throws temper tantrums about everything, and is overall very hard to deal with.  He just seems tired all of the time and like he doesn't feel good.  He has always been a very happy little boy, but I can just tell that something isn't right since these symptoms started.  He has had excema since he was a baby, but this winter he has begun to develop it on his hands and face.  Every time I take him to his doctor they say it is viral, but it never seems to go away.  I have been looking on the internet and think that there may be some type of allergy contributing to this.  He wakes up many mornings with allergy shiners and is constantly rubbing his nose.  He sleeps through the night, but coughs while he's asleep. I need some advice on what to do.  Are behavior changes like what he's having normal for a child with his symptoms?  I mentioned to his doctor bringing him to an ENT, but he doesn't think that's necessary yet.  What should I do?  I need some advice.  
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I found myself with a constant runny and stuffy nose after catching a respiratory virus. I was also very tired afterwards, and there was lots of depression, and personality changes.

To read more, see my blog, named "Chronic Sore Throat / Mood Virus"

Google search on this blog name, and you will find the blog.

Many people have this virus, and are several of us trying to find some ways to reduce the symptoms.

I really hope this helps.
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It would be best to consult an allergy specialist or ENT specialist and get a proper clinical evaluation done.

Your son could be having allergi rhinitis, or sinusitis and the symptoms are increased due to the tonsillitis.

Till you get an appointment you should try some antihistamine medications and also some saline nasal drops alonwith steam inhalation and warm saline gargles.

He would most probably be prescribed a course of antibiotics and some other medications for his symptoms.

Do keep us posted on how he is doing and if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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