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Let's Share Info On PATM / TMAU !!! (Personal Accounts + Possible Cures)

Hello! I've been suffering from what I believe is TMAU, but something of a unique case. I used to have various odors, including: shrimp, urine (especially on my groin area), tomato sauce, garbage, general musty-ness, and vomit.
My symptoms started when I started drinking; the scents would last a week or so and then go away. People did not cough or sneeze or rub their noses so much, but it still happened. Over time, the smells would last for extended periods, and I'd spend months at a time waiting for them to go away, until one day, they never did. I am stuck with it now. I wish I had never fallen pray to liquor (but Malibu Coconut Rum is so good! Vodka & cranberry juice, too!!!). This may have never happened if I hadn't overdone it.
I believe it started as Candida or a yeast infection, that worsened without treatment or proper care (I suffer from depression, so at times last semester I did not shower for days at a time, allowing bacteria to worsen its influence).

Anyway, now, I am practically scentless, except for the occasional musty, dusty odor. However, people are WAY more allergic to me. Before, I affected a small range. Now, as soon as I walk into a room, nearly everyone will start coughing, sniffling, covering their noses, etc. Sometimes people will start hacking VERY loudly and you wonder if they're gonna pass out. Even if they are very far away. If the door is open, people in the hallway will have the same symptoms. It is absolutely harrowing. If you suffer from PATM/TMAU, you know how scary and embarrassing it feels. You wonder if everyone knows it's you. You wonder if you're making everyone sick, or unintentionally hurting them.

I have not gone to a doctor about this, but I will soon. I worry that I'll be written off as insane, but I've witnessed the reactions. No one smells anything anymore. Today, when a TMAU attack happened (i sat next to an air vent and I guess it blew the smell throughout the bus I was on), everyone in front of me started sneezing and clearing their throats. A girl and her friend/sister held their noses and one said "Something is tickling my nose!". Her friend said "Yeah! Me too!". They don't know what it is.

I'm back to college and feeling discouraged. I get worse month by month. I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm changing my diet to one with low choline. And I'm completely off alcohol.
Gold Bond Extra Strength Foot Powder is excellent for odor elimination, if you're a smelly crotch like me. Applying coconut oil helps too.
I don't know how to kill the allergens. Someone said that taking Kombucha tablets cured them completely.

Another thing I've seen a lot of is "positive thinking". I think it's ********, but it's also good to do. When I managed to convince myself that my symptoms were all in my head and kept repeating little mantras like "I am a normal person. I am not sick.", my allergens actually weakened a bit! I believe that TMAU is in fact REAL, but forcing yourself to calm down in this weird way is SUPER helpful. Try your best to stay calm (it's hard, I know, believe me), or maybe keep yourself distracted in public. Anxiety is definitely a worsening factor.

That's all from me. I'm interested in hearing from others with this issue. Also, I'm right here beside you all! I love you for toughing it out and being so strong. There are times I don't want to go on. It is so, so hard living like this. If anyone with this problem lives in NYC, I'm open to meeting up. Let's discuss.
What are some "cures"? How different or similar is your case from mine? Thanks for any input !!!
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